
Is it OK for people to date in Islam?

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Some people are saying it's fine and others are saying it's not OK. Which is it?

Is it OK to "date" each other to get to know each other?




  1. there is no such date  marriage or no marriage

    Sister, daughters ,repent to Allah what you doing is big sin he is not your husband  ,woman only  make relation  with  husband and man only make relation with his wife this was the prophets  teaching  otherwise propinquity will be lost and indecency will scattered  so what is the marriage for  if you sleep with him eat with him may be kids from him what else left?    

    Allah is forgiver  for who ask the forgiveness and may Allah give you a good husband beautiful kids

    Read this wisdom  

    (31) And go not nigh to fornication; surely it is an indecency and an evil way. (32) And do not kill any one whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause, and whoever is slain unjustly, We have indeed given to his heir authority, so let him not exceed the just limits in slaying; surely he is aided. (33) And draw not near to the property of the orphan except in a goodly way till he attains his maturity and fulfill the promise; surely (every) promise shall be questioned about. (34) And give full measure when you measure out, and weigh with a true balance; this is fair and better in the end. (35) And follow not that of which you have not the knowledge; surely the hearing and the sight and the heart, all of these, shall be questioned about that. (36) And do not go about in the land exultingly, for you cannot cut through the earth nor reach the mountains in height. (37) All this-- the evil of it-- is hateful in the sight of your Lord. (38)

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Successful indeed are the believers, (1) Who are humble in their prayers, (2) And who keep aloof from what is vain, (3) And who are givers of poor-rate, (4) And who guard their private parts, (5) Except before their mates or those whom their right hands possess, for they surely are not blameable, (6) But whoever seeks to go beyond that, these are they that exceed the limits; (7) And those who are keepers of their trusts and their covenant, (8) And those who keep a guard on their prayers; (9) These are they who are the heirs, (10) Who shall inherit the Paradise; they shall abide therein.

  2. um...somehow i dont think so.

    especially when the majority of the men see women as a half step above cattle.

    at least in the middle east countries.

  3. Traditional speaking it is not OK to Date in Islam because it leads to other acts. However Muslims in the west and other countries do date, but then they don't follow the Traditions.  

  4. what do u mean by dating? does it mean going for a coffee, movie or to a p[ub or end up in one bed?? for different people dating is different.

    In traditional religion (including judaism) you do not date a women until you intend to marry her. Secondly you do not sleep before marriage.

    In Islam you can meet a person of oppostie s*x with a view to marry and get to know her, preferably in public places or in presense of third party. the idea is that you get to know each other and decide if both are suitable to marry or not. you do not get intimate physically with that person.

    Now this is if you follow a religion to the Tee. However muslim do date. I know a muslim man who is religious in my view and dated this girl (went for coffee/movie etc and then met their respective families and got to know each other) and they got married. they did not sleep together before they were married. So maybe he did not follow the strict interpretation that he needs to have a thrid party present when they meet, but I guess he was pretty much following his religion.

  5. No it is not ok. Islam got too many problems.

  6. I think it depends on where you are living---cultures vary with the Muslims.  I know they don't date much.  The parents usually arrange the marriage.

  7. Do what your heart tells you.

  8. Well there are rules about stoning adulterers to death, so i'm guessing that dating probably isn't cool officially.

  9. Yes it is okay

    why do you ask?

  10. It is OK for a Muslim to date a muslim for for a Christain to date a muslin, then my answer is NO.

  11. Personally, I think it's fine, as long as their is no sexual habits involved...

    I think there is no difference between a Muslim and a person who has different religious beliefs, because we all believe in one god. We are all very much related and I think it's a clash of ignorance and "honour"! Everyone should respect everyone's religion, and if you love that person and want to be with them then I don't see any wrong in that! We all have one soul and I don't believe that Islam says that we have to be with a Muslim, because Islam respects all religions (although clearly, some Muslims don't - Ignorance once again)...

  12. i would say it's not if a muslim dates a christian/non-believer.

  13. Have you seen the film The Quiet Man.Well it's like that with a chaperon.

    Only they don't use a horse and trap but camels.

  14. They all have different views, from what I've read on here the majority seem to think it is wrong though not more relaxed ones, some people think dating shouldn't be done as in the couple alone together, but they can get to know one another with other family members etc around


  15. No it is not

    among with other million things

  16. its ok to date someone but not get involved physically as its seen as a sin. but nwadays its different many islamic people date n r physical, but extremists do not even condone such behaviour.

    Maars: your right culture varies with muslims, it depends on where you live and what ethnic you are and the traditions you carry

  17. God all your questions sound like you have a pretty warped impression of Muslims...they're not aliens from outer space!

    They're people! Like you! Like me! Like everyone. Of course they can date. As I've told you before...I am a Muslim and I have a boyfriend...who is Catholic.

    Before you ask YET ANOTHER question about Islam visit

    Put in the words "difference between eastern and western Muslims" and read away to your heart's content.

    Jesus Mary and Joseph this is getting tiring!!!!!

  18. I'm pretty sure that dating (even without s*x) is haram (forbidden) in Islam.  

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