
Is it OK for vegetarians to eat fish?

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Before you reply: I know vegetarians don't eat fish. I'm the Editor of The Vegetarian magazine for The Vegetarian Society UK so I know what I'm talking about. But we are continually having to explain this fact to people - and it turns out there are quite a few people who describe themselves as vegetarians but still eat fish, on occasion. Even people who would like to join The Vegetarian Society but still eat fish. I'd like to make contact with some 'pescetarians' who are prepared to argue their case in a debate-style feature in the magazine. All done via email, no confrontation or judging. Anonymous if you like. If you are "a vegetarian who eats fish", can you explain your reasoning?




  1. If you are asking "is it morally wrong for a person to eat fish" then that is up to the individual's own conscience and beliefs, since it isn't actually illegal. However, if a person eats fish then they are not a "vegetarian", as the definition of a vegetarian is someone whose diet excludes animal flesh, and a fish is an animal obviously.

    Who invented the "rules" of being vegetarian anyway? People should be allowed to choose their own "rules" and if they are comfortable with eating fish but prefer not to eat warm blooded animals then that is up to them, why should they have to justify themselves?

  2. no coz they will be Pescetarians

  3. u r no more vegetarian u a s s

  4. Maybe we need more media attention towards pescetarians, like what they eat etc. All you hear about are either vegetarians or vegans. Pescetarians need more mentioning so people know what they eat exactly rather than describing them as "vegetarians who eat fish" which is not the correct meaning.

  5. Some people who decide to be vegetarian at a young age, still need lots of protein and iron that they can't get from JUST vegetables. Fish has lots of Omega-3 which is ESSENTIAL, not to mention many many other nutrients. Now if the kid still believes that eating meat is wrong, most people don't consider fish a meat, therefore they consider it okay.  But if the child considers that eating ANIMALS is wrong, they shouldn't even be eating fish, but taking a supplement, because a fish IS STILL AN ANIMAL. Hope this helped you out.

  6. As you've said, there are several opinions about this topic. Some vegetarians do eat fish, because fish is not considered meat. Actually, there is a term for people who don't eat meat but do eat fish: pescetarian.

    I have been a vegetarian for quite a while, and I started eating fish a few years ago. The main reason to start eating fish is because it's considered healthy. First it felt like cheating, but now I have put it in perspective. The main reason for me to be vegetarian is the unethical treatment of the animals. I am not against eating meat, as long as the animals can have a happy life for as long as they live. My argument why eating fish would be OK, is that fish live in the sea and have a natural life. So that means that I won't eat fish that is bred (hope that's the right word, I'm not a native speaker) Because of this perspective, I even eat organic meat, very sporadicly. Again, because it's healthy. (Blood research showed that I had smaller blood cells or something, the doctor told me)

    I hope it's clear to you and that this is the kind of answer you was looking for. If you have more questions, feel free to ask.

  7. I don't eat fish, but my father does, I think it depends the reasons you are a vegetarian to decide if it's ok to eat fish, if your doing it for animal rights it does seem a bit hypocritical to then eat fish, however if your doing it for health reasons or you just don't like the taste of meat it's ok, so basically I think it just boils down to the reasons you are a vegetarian, as to whether it's ok or not.

  8. ''I admit to being one of these 'vegetarians' that eats fish. But part of the reason fish eaters do use the term, is - what do you call yourself when your friends or family ask? "I'm a person who doesn't eat animals with higher levels of consciousness.''

    The thing that concerned me wasn't eating meat, but asking someone to do something which I was not prepared to do myself; and something that was somewhat wasteful, unnecessary and cruel at that. If I wouldn't do it myself, I shouldn't ask someone else to do it. If I would do it however, then fine, let someone do it for me. I wouldn't kill a cow, sheep, dog or cat for a snack. But I would kill a fish and eat it.''

  9. Pescetarian is not a VEGEtarian.. not much explaining to be done really.

  10. Im a pescetarian. I personally dont eat meat because I feel bad after eating it. I wouldnt want someone to eat me... or my friends. However, I eat fish because I want to... simple as that. I dont need to explain my reasoning to other people. It feels right to me, so I do it.

  11. I found that still eating fish was a great way to make the transition between meat eating and becoming a fully fledged vegetarian. My mum called me a vegequarian. Cheesy I know.

  12. When i was a vegetarian i did still eat fish . I don't think there are any strict" rule "  one way or other about it

  13. Cheating x

  14. It is absolutely not okay for vegetarians to eat fish. People don't realize fish, just as any other animal, feel pain and can endure suffering just like all the other animals.

  15. Pescetarians are not vegetarians.

  16. No. A fish is still a living creature after all.

  17. I can't really help with your article as I am a vegan (a non-fish eating one!) but I had to reply to Helen G's ridiculous assertion that people should be able to make up their own "rules". If it's ok for people to do that about what they eat, where do you stop? Would it be ok for me to make up my own "rules" about religion, i.e. could I call myself a Christian but summon Beelzebub & his satanic hoards once a month, because I feel like it?

    Or why not apply it to all areas of life...can I come round and rob you? It's against society's "rules" but hey you think we should be able to all make up our own "rules"

    Live and let live, I say, eat what you want, but please don't call yourself a vegetarian if you eat confuses omnivores and it is extremely frustrating when you get served fish as a 'vegetarian' alternative. Pescetarian is a perfectly acceptable term for that diet and is becoming more and more well known.

  18. If you don't like the TASTE of meat, but like the taste of fish, then yeah, sure.. that's just what you choose. But if you do it moral ground, and still eat fish, then that makes no sense - how is a fish any different to a chicken?!

    I personally love both - animals were put on earth for man to eat :)

  19. as you know, the clue's in the word.

    vegetarian - eater of vegetables.

    that would exclude fish, poultry etc..

    a vegetarian who eats fish is like a devout muslim who likes pork. it's inconsistent and hypocritical.

  20. Yeah i know, i dont knw why people do that. i think its cuz people dont know any other way to get  protien in their body. so idk

  21. You are adding to the misinformation yourself by even typing "a vegetarian who eats fish".  Why does someone who claims to be the editor of a vegetarian magazine want to write about pescetarians when eating fish is in no way related to a vegetarian diet?

  22. I'm currently a "proper" veggie, but I did used to eat fish after I stopped eating red meat. This was to some extent a compromise with my nan who wouldn't have known what to feed me otherwise (she once offered me a saveloy and when I told her that I was veggie and didn't eat them replied that they didn't have MUCH meat in them).

    I know quite a few veggie friends who gave up red meat and then fish a couple of years later. I also know a few who used to be veggie but now eat fish but not red meat.

    There's also a cultural aspect. I recently went on holiday to Croatia and the definition of "veggie" there appears to include fish.

    I don't agree with Dart above (no offence intended to you) that this is a trolling question. I think some of the other answers show that it is a debate of interest and therefore you should tackle it in the magazine.

  23. I have to think that this is a trolling question.

    Why would an editor of a Vegetarian magazine even think of dignifying an article on eating fish? then you might as well go on and do one on flexitarians with their eating very little meat as well.

    Vegetarian means no animal flesh. period.

    Giving in to the public mentality that eating fish is vegetarian and having them argue their case. This is right up there with PETA and their antics for media blitz.

  24. Its surprising people eat fish and call themselves vegetarian.

    NO, fish is not vegetarian, because it is not a vegetable, fruit,flower or  root.

    Fishes are not trees /plants and do not grow on plants or trees.

    Hope this does it :)

  25. No, it isn't. End of.

  26. I tried being a vegetarian for a week it lasted two meals, mum made a really good kangaroo curry i couldn't help my self.

  27. i'm glad that there will be an article about this (possibly)....

    it is RIDICULOUS how many people on this forum claim that it's okay for vegetarians to eat fish.  no matter how many links are posted to reputable sources or how many people tell them that the term for their diet is "pescetarian" they continue to parade around as a vegetarian, meanwhile confusing the heck out of any omni that comes here for advice on going veg.  it's annoying, it's tiring, and if you eat fish you ARE NOT a vegetarian, period.  for those who disagree, please visit and see their definitions for vegetarians.  

    how can anyone call themselves a vegetarian when they are eating an ANIMAL!? whether you consider fish a meat or not, vegetarians are not "people who don't eat meat"....they are "people who don't eat animals (or animal slaughter byprodcuts)".  if you're going to claim that fish aren't animals then what, pray tell, do they qualify as?  vegetable? mineral? good luck arguing that.....

  28. Pescetarians are not vegetarians. There should be a separate section for them. Vegetarians eat plant-based food, nothing that once lived, moved and had a face.

  29. Vegetarians do not eat animals and a fish is an animal, so they can't give any reasonable argument to it, except the only meat they eat is fish, so there a meat eater.

    The term "fish" is most precisely used to describe any non-tetrapod chordate, (i.e., an animal with a backbone), that has gills throughout life and has limbs, if any, in the shape of fins

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