
Is it OK to call someone in the air force "warrior"?

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I've seen many publications where they are addressing airmen as warriors. I know not everyone in the military are in the battlefield, but all of them are soldiers right. Is it OK if a call a friend of mine who's in the USAF a warrior?




  1. No.

  2. If he has fought in a war, I think it would be OK.  If has trained to go to war, I think it would be OK.  If he is not directly involved in combat, probably not.

  3. Yes, Its a concept, not a job description. Its more of a title and reference than it is a MOS. Just because someone hasn't been in hand to hand, house to house, street to street combat patrols, does not mean that he is not a warrior. If he is in Iraq or Afghanistan, or has been or could go, I think it would be totally appropriate to refer to him as a warrior. Anyone in the Military conceivably is or could be in a war, so they could be classified as a warrior. They could be killed by hostiles irregardless of occupation or where stationed,  

  4. PJs have my respect. thats all

  5. Yeah, they are all warriors to some extent.

    Airmen, seamen, soldiers, marines, etc.

    Unless of course they happen to be on a pizza delivery mission. (!)

    Sorry, bad joke.

  6. if he doesnt care ..why should anyone else...he is an airman ..and technically in a time of yeah he could be a warrior

  7. Only when they strap themselves into a jet.

  8. Everyone in the military is a warrior. Not all meet the enemy face to face, but the ones who do wouldn't be able to survive if it wasn't for the ones in support. So they all contribute and all deserve the title.

    P.S. Did you know it takes 5 support men to put one infantry man in the field. Try to figure out who contributes, Truck Drivers to deliver food and bullets, Mechanics to keep the Trucks running, Quartermaster Personnel for clothes, boots blankets, etc, Armorers to repair and issue guns, Medics and Doctors,  Clerks to track pay, cut orders, etc. the list goes on and on.

  9. Only if they are in a combat AFSC. Security Forces, Combat Controller, Pararescue, TACP, fighter pilot, bomber pilot, Red Horse member, or combat comm(only if they were at a front line unit), or something involving enemy action. I was a SF member and did time in Iraq at the start of the war where we were attacked but I call it doing my job not being a warrior.  

  10. the people actually in the Air Force and not running it laugh at silly institutionalized names like that.  I'm an airman.  Heck, soldier is okay too.  And I don't say "Airpower", I say "hooah"  

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