
Is it OK to drink soy milk when you are pregnant with a baby boy?

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There are TOO MANY things they tell you not to do while pregnant. But, the latest thing I have heard was that it is not good to drink soy milk or eat tofu when you are pregnant with a boy....

I heard something about the estrogen that soy milk contains. If this was a really huge problem, wouldn't your OB/GYN tell you?!




  1. At first I thought that your question was crazy... but now I do remember hearing something about consuming food with estrogen in it having some sort of an effect on a boy fetus.. I dont know what the effect is though, you should do a google search, and definitely ask your OBGYN at your next visit.  

  2. what is wrong with soy milk...that would make it not okay?

  3. Yes, your OB/GYN would indeed tell you. That sounds ludicrous, but if you are worried ask a professional.  

  4. Well, I just skimmed over an article about the subject and it looks like it is really new research. If you are worried about it, I wouldn't eat a high soy diet. An occasional glass of soy milk probably won't hurt anything, but possibly if you routinely substitute soy milk and eat tofu with every meal it could be a problem. Honestly though, EVERYBODY eats a lot of soy in their diet. Soy is one of the top fillers that is used in food products today. I have an allergy to wheat, so I pay a lot attention to ingredient list and soy is in practically everything. Even so, lots of healthy babies are born everyday and grow up to be healthy adults. Its worth taking note of, but I would take it with a grain of salt.

  5. I don't think it would be a huge problem, but the little baby already has so many feminine hormones going into him right now from the mother, doesn't it make sense to not pump more than neccesary into him? Especially while he's still developing his boyish-ness.

  6. Well, ask the billions of asians!!!  I'd make sure it's not GM soy in the products.  I have heard crazy stories about soy milk and tofu on occassion, but they're normally discredited almost as soon as they're published.

  7. First, get over the idea that your OB/GYN knows anything about nutrition.  Very few MDs do, and fewer OBs.  This is probably their worst subject.  Alas, since it relates to health, they THINK they are experts.

    Second, I wouldn't drink soy milk ANYTIME, let alone when pregnant!  Boy OR girl!

    Tofu does not have nearly as much estrogen in it as other soy products do.

    Asians don't eat nearly as much soy as most Americans think they do, and what they DO eat is fermented, which destroys the estrogen.

  8. why not?!?!

  9. Actually Soy interferes with estrogen.It doesn't contain estrogen but it will interfere.The best thing to always do is ask your doctor.Great question.

  10. I'm sure you'd have to consume a TON of soy to have any kind of negative effect, if it would at all.  Just drink it in moderation and I'm sure you'll be fine.

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