
Is it OK to drive an Expedition since I have a "Stop Global Warming" sticker on the bumper?

by Guest31851  |  earlier

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Is it OK to drive an Expedition since I have a "Stop Global Warming" sticker on the bumper?




  1. Sure, you are in good company

  2. Only if I rear-end you with a Hummer towing a 30-foot pontoon boat... with the AC on and the windows down and the radio blasting......

    "'s getting hot in here..."

  3. I guess if Al can have a city size house and fly a private jet on a regular basis, I would guess that the sticker counts as a carbon credit.

  4. It's okay to drive your expedition, what is not okay is for you to have the bumper sticker.  But I guess you could say the message was being very sarcastic!  

    On second thought, Keep it!!  Now that I think about it, you driving your expedition and having your global warming sticker causes controversy. This will create conversations about the subject and in a weird and Ironic way raise awareness about the Global warming problem.  

    So drive around the country with your gas hawler, (until you traded in for a fuel efficiency car) and keep your sticker, as it will shock your fellow motorist.

  5. It must be as good as, lets say, flying around the world on carbon based fuel to complain about carbon based fuel like A.G.

  6. phh no !

  7. Absolutely not!  Take that filth off your nice Expedition right now!

  8. LITTLEROBBER -- you do know that sarcasm is completely lost on them.

    it is interesting.  what's the motive?

    --  you're lacking attention?  maybe it'll help.  good idea.

    --  you think AGW is a problem?  you might seek help elsewhere.  probably not the best idea.

    --  you're against the AGW idea?  head out to Oklahoma, you'll be a hero.

  9. you could explain you have given up eating meat/flying/using air conditioning to compensate?

  10. Yea it is.  The anthropogenic (man-made) contribution of CO2 is very small.  In fact volcanos, rotting vegetation, animals, and the ocean all produce more CO2 annually than all of the planes, trains, factories and Expeditions in the world combined.  In any case, CO2 doesn't drive climate, so no worries.

  11. Well If it suits your needs, i guess. I don't see how a "Stop Global Warming" sticker has anything to do with the acceptance of the vehicle. Having that sticker is good in the sense that you are voicing a statement (usually with the intent that you are compassionate towards the earth). Driving a car that is excessive of your needs is just wasteful.

  12. If you're asking the people in Yahoo Answers for permission to drive your car you need a lot more help than you're likely to find here.

  13. not a good idea. people know that a s***w loose ecoterrorist could never afford a nice expensive vehicle like an expedition & will call the cops because they will assume you stole it.

    you will be pulled over & have to show proof of ownership quite often.

    I have a STOP GLOBAL WHINING sticker on my 5500lb 4x4 & I never get stopped by the police.

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