
Is it OK to just have one cigarette?

by  |  earlier

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I am so confused.

A lot of my friends have starting smoking lately... I'm 16... and have been wanting me to try one. I have resited until lately I have been tempted to take them up on their offers.

Now I know smoking is bad, addictive etc., but I have to say, I am curious as to what one actually tastes like. I would never have a habit, but I suppose that's how it starts? Try one, oh need another taste, just at parties, just at night just 5...10...15 a day?

Can you get addicted to just one?

Is it OK to try like two puffs and that's it? Any health implications? Or should I just not care what it's like and resist the peer pressure?

Thank you for everyones answers.




  1. I'm fourteen,

    +& well i tried them,they aren't that bad after a few times.

    they are stress relieving,

    +& when you are under stress,

    they give you that feeling,

    of doing something bad,

    just try one,

    it won't hurt,

    if you get addicted

    then so be it,

    i smoke for a few months,

    and didn't get addicted too bad.

    so what if i sound stupid,

    for saying it,

    but your going to try it at least once,

    evryone does,

    oh well.

    i wouldn't doubt that you'll smoke weed at least once in your life too,

    everyone at least trys it.

    it's part of growing up,

    becomng curious,

    +& learning from your mistakes.

  2. BAD IDEA: I smoked 4 many years ! It tastes TERRIBLE & will make U VERY ill !! - & it's REALLY hard 2 quit !!!

  3. It's so normal to be curious. My friends wanted me to try and I did. I wanted to know what it was like too. I tried it more then once myself. I coughed like crazy. I did not like it. I don't think you can get addicted from one. Yes, it's ok to smoke ONE but don't keep doing it. Remember you don't want cancer.

  4. NO! because then you will get addicted to smoking and it will get harder for you to stop.

  5. Whilst it is very unlikely that chemical addiction could occur with even as few, once you have stepped over that barrier you are more likely to copy your friends.

    Have the courage to say NO!  If they make you feel the odd one out - be proud that you are.

    It takes more guts to say no.  Don't worry they will all wish they hadn't later.

  6. You want to try it, so go ahead. You are old enough. Give it a fair trial, though, not just a couple of puffs or one cigarette. You have to get used to inhaling to really know what it is like. You won't get addicted from smoking for a week or two. You will be able to quit if you want to, but you might just decide you like it and become a smoker. If you do, smoke until you decide to get pregnant, and quit or cut back then.

  7. Please just don't, its such a bad habit.  

  8. dnt do it. its lyk l*****g charcol nd nicotine is very tricky so i would not do it. it makes it harder 4 ur body 2 breathe in the inside. y do u wanna ruin urself at such a young age??

  9. One is not going to get you addicted. Go ahead give it a try. Be careful not to get caught though. I started when I was 16 too. I had to keep a low profile for 2 years. Luckily I lived with a 3 pack a day smoker, and that made it easier for me. So if you surpass the one cigarette, be careful. Keep that low profile. I kept it, because I enjoyed it too much. Still do. 24 years later.  

  10. if you dont want to have a problem dont risk it

  11. i think its ok...i tried it once too [[&& i would never do it was disgusting]]

  12. don't be a follower .do not do it they rise a bunch of health problems

  13. Resist the temptation!

  14. Not if it's because of peer pressure. It might be okay to taste it just out of your own curiosity, so long as you don't plan to continue smoking. Once you get yourself adapted to the taste and smoke-- probably even after a couple of cigarettes you risk becoming addicted.

    They taste bitter, and usually will make you cough or want to cough when you first try them. If you aren't used to the nicotine, you can become nauseated or get diarrhea. You may also get dizzy.

    Ask anyone who has smoked for a long period of time. They may say that they enjoy smoking at times, but wish they never started. It's expensive, extremely difficult to quit, you can barely run/exercise, you are basically outcasted from everything now-- restaurants, theme parks, anywhere indoors.  

  15. first cigarette will get you really light-headed. not addicted. if just to try's not that bad. just dont make it a habit

  16. Yeah, one cigarette won't hurt at all.  Nor will you get addicted for trying just one.  I'd say go ahead and do it.


    one will turn to two

    two will turn to three

    three will have you addicted

  18. NOOOO!

    one is all it takes to get cancer



    Would you like that?

    Plus you would more than likely get addicted.

    Just one puff!

    I don't care what anybody only takes one.

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