
Is it OK to let your older babies (those already standing/walking) play in their little tubs while you shower?

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Obviously, I'm talking about safely placed tubs, that wouldn't tumble over and are far from dangerous thing like hot plumbings, etc.

Because it may be the only way you can get a proper shower.

And if they slip or anything, you can easily rush out of the shower to get to them.

What's your opinion?




  1. if you know he will be completely safe, why not?! great idea!

  2. I just put him in the bathroom with me, but I put a bunch of toys on the floor with him.  (my shower and tub are seperate and the shower has glass doors) so he isn't anywhere near water or any danger.  

  3. if it's empty then that's fine

  4. Absolutely not!

    You cannot keep an eye on them 100 percent of the time and it only takes a nano second to drown in an inch of water.

    For goodness sake put your baby in a playpen within sight and then have your shower or wait until your baby is having its morning nap.

  5. Can you see the child the WHOLE TIME? ( Like what about washing your hair, shaving, etc). I'm thinking not. You're better off having the child play in his/her crib while you shower. That way they are safe and you can have your 15 minutes. Or even play in the bathroom with some toys, but not in water. It only takes a few seconds for a child to inhale some water-  they should have your FULL attention playing in water.  

  6. I think you are asking if you can use the tub OUTSIDE the shower to hold them while you are showering?

    Yes, it would be safe if you are in ear/eye contact with them and can get to them quickly if needed.

    But, why use the tub?  We use a jumper that you put in the doorway if we are alone with the baby when showering.  Or, he has an exersaucer that we can put him in, etc... even a playpen if it fits in the bathroom.

  7. If there isn't any water,I see no harm in it.It is actually a great idea for someone with no extra room for any other toys in bathroom..

  8. No - how can you possibly watch your child who is playing in a tub while you are showering? A child can drown in an inch of water.

    Can't you wait until he goes down for a nap?

  9. sure thats is completely fine.

  10. In our family we all shower together.. I imagine that will continue until my son is 4-5 years oldish ...

    Why not let them come in with you... then they are in reach.

  11. How far away would the baby be from you?


  12. It would depend on your bathroom setup.  How close it is, can you see them, is this tub thing in a tub, on the floor, etc.  

    However, the whole slip thing, can be dangerous.  I'd want to be right there to try to catch them before a slip or a good head injury would occur.  And actual bath seat where they are kind of stuck in, Id be more comfortable with.

  13. If your baby is safe then yes. I used to put mine in their highchair while i had a bath.  

  14. personnally i wouldnt do it . when i want to get a shower i let my daughter in the bathroom . our bathrrom is big enough and childproof so i dont worry , plus i bring in her toys  .or sometimes i will put on the tv in our bedroom for  her , it has a door that comes to the bathrrom .

    BUt no i would not leave her in the tub

  15. If it's empty there's more of a risk that he could fall out and hit his head.

    I used to either put my son's play pen on the outside of the bathroom door (door opened) with a few toys in it. He would usually yell at me the whole time becuase he hated being in the play pen in the first place, but I got a decent shower without being worried about him getting into the cupboards and toilet.

    Or I would bring him into the shower with me. That was always the easiest.

    --- If he's  in a regular tub already there's no need for the baby tub.... just throw a few toys in there for him.

  16. i have my baby sit ont he far side of the tub with  i take a quick shower and then she gets a bath... i think it's the fastest and very practical for the baby's safety...  

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