
Is it OK to lie to someone if you know that the lie will become a truth by the time the person figures out?

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the result is that the person that has been lied to never figures out that he was lied to; the context of this lie is not necessarily in a legal environment, i just want to know if its ethical




  1. No !


    A lie is a lie.  You may fool the  person you are lying to but you'll never be able to fool yourself or your conscience.

  2. If the information that was given, was meant to steer the individual in a direction based on false information in the first place, is as useful as me telling you the following:

    Eat from this will not surely die, you will become like god, knowing good and evil...

    Is it ok?  for such a thing happened to Eve and then Adam...and we all paid the price ever since haven't we?

  3. to heck with ethics..a good lie is better then a bad truth

    just ask Barack Obama..if he told the truth..the sky would fall in on him

  4. NO!

  5. No. The reason is because it deals with the present, not the future. An example would be that I told my friend I had a cell phone when I didn't even though in the future I could very well have one. The point is that I lied to my friend at that moment regardless if I got one in the future.  

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