
Is it OK to not want to have friends?

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A lot of people are friendly to me and seem like they want to be friends with me. However, usually I stay away from them or politely distance myself from them for some reason. I could have friends, but I always seem to pull away from them. Is something wrong with me?

I don't like hurting peoples feelings, but for me it's like alot of people are more time consuming and draining. Am I just robbing myself out of good friendsips or what?

Please don't say something lıke go to a therapist, work on your issues. That's a standard message that could apply to almost all the mental health questions. Thanks for your honest imput.




  1. Your situation's same as mine. It's OK temporarily but later u'll realise that u need em. "we are wired to connect"

  2. Maybe it's just the way you are, that's your personality, you're simply more of an introvert.

    Or, maybe those people don't appeal to you?

    I think you should try at least once to be more friendly and see how it goes. Just see if you like it. Why not try it out?

  3. You will only find out if you open up and make some friends, then you will be able to see if this is something that you are missing out on.  Some people like having loads of other people around them and are real social butterflies, other people, like me, choose to have a few trusted close friends only.

    Choose only the people that you feel you have a connection with.  Making and maintaining friendships does require some effort and maybe you feel you can't be bothered.  Friendships are very rewarding but to get those rewards requires that you open up and show your vulnerabilities as well as your strengths.  I think you are a little afraid. Go ahead and take the plunge, be brave and risk a little.

  4. I think it is normal for some people to feel this way- I have very few friends and you are right they are time consuming, most can't be trusted anyway. But sometimes I wish I had a good friend other then my husband to do things with or to talk to but I've also noticed sometimes when I have done things alone I have had a better time...

  5. No.Get some,or you will miss out on sooooo much.Then you will have regrets.

  6. I think it's okay to not want to have friends, maybe you have some trust issues? I'm not saying to get mental help, but I can relate, so maybe you could work on that and look deep down inside to find out why.

  7. Read the book called Celestine Prof icy. (if you haven't already)

    No nothings wrong with you. but please be careful to not become introverted in loneliness. Get out more or even further and perhaps you''ll find the kind of friends you want. Also, you kinda have to forgive people for what they are and what they are not. The good ones will do they sam  for you.  

  8. You don't have a problem until something interferes with life as you want to live it.  If you're happy being alone, then be alone.  You can't live according to someone else's ideas.  I'm not unlike you.  I'm happily married and belong to a couple of clubs where I socialize with members but don't feel the need for close "buddies."  My work and family are enough. Other people are usually distractions from those things.  On the other hand, don't become a recluse or hermit.  You need some social contacts, but they can be in groups of people who share your interests, not necessarily individual friendships.

  9. i say do what is comfortable for you. some people have a problem being alone and that is why they think it is odd that you don't.

  10. Yes its ok, I dont want friends either and half the time I find myself pulling apart the relationships I have without noticing. I push people away with every chance I get and I refuse to make any new friends. When people try talk to me I simply dont reply or reply in as little words as possible and they eventually give up.

    I dont know my reason either but its ok, you can have friends when you're ready.

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