
Is it OK to post questions here?

by  |  earlier

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A friend recommended this site as somewhere to discuss News and Events and said that all here are lovely? Am I welcome to join in?




  1. I'm alright I'm just a bit of a loony. :-)

  2. Who was your 'friend'?

  3. Of course you are. Go ahead and join in with us.

  4. Some freind?

    Your wasting your time on here  if you wanna discuss News and Events with this shower,Most of em come on ere to chat, cause they have nothing else in their lives,Sad *******.

  5. Joined on the 29th July and have 95 points for no answers? How come? Well, never mind, welcome to the sometimes mad house!

  6. As long as your intepretation of 'discuss' is not chat,  you will be fine.

  7. Hello, love the avatar!, welcome.

  8. Hi, Shady hows it going.

  9. Yes you are as long as you answer and not ask too too much.

  10. welcome to the mad world of yahoo.

  11. A Spanish welcome .........

    *kiss on one cheek, kiss on t´other cheek*

  12. LOL !!!

    Now i wonder who YOU are!!

  13. I suggest that you start by answering questions and when you have built up a few hundred points - you can ask one or two.

  14. All here are lovely? LOL. I dont think so. There are many juvenile morons and know-it-all cowards on here. I am neither. I am one of the HUMBLE, intellectual, and insightful ones on here. I mean, I am SUPER humble. More humble than you will ever be. EVER!

  15. I think anyone can come here whether certain people like it or not.

  16. Yeah, we take all sorts here, you sure your mate is really a friend?.

  17. £5 membership fee required, any nonesense and you're out the door.

  18. Bonjour, bienvenue au yahoo nous sommes vraiment amicaux et nous tripotons le temps impair. Parfois les nouvelles peuvent être drôles vous savent.

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