
Is it OK to push yourself to the limit at the gym? ?

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For the last week I've been pushing myself to the limit for aerobic exercise at the gym such as running, cross trainer and rowing. I'm even quite enjoying the feeling from it, although the first day I felt a bit sick and dizzy after running really fast.

Is this OK for my body? I feel good now.

I like the feeling, but even though I feel more toned I haven't lost any weight in the last week.




  1. Pushing yourself until you hurt & feel exhausted is OK. Pushing yourself until you're dizzy is probably overdoing it. You don't want to injure yourself, so slow down a bit if you feel dizzy or light-headed.

  2. its great to pus yourself you will get better and better and see results and be surprised with what you can do.. but do not over do it then only one that can tell you when its enough is you.. so be kind to your body.. so hurt yourself but try as hard as you can.. hope i helpd and congrats on aerobics :)

  3. no it is not good for you

  4. hey, what doesn't kill us makes stronger, right?

  5. just be careful to drink lots of water!

  6. UNTILL you feel like you are dying.

  7. yes no pain no gain

  8. later on you will get used to it and you will see the results. also just going to the gym wont make u lose weight. u got to eat healthy

  9. Okay ... first of all you probably won't lose weight because when you work out at the extreme you gain muscle ... also exercising releases adrenaline which is the part that makes you feel good. But as you exercise your muscles break slowly down, and you need a day or two off each week to recover . I am a rower and we push ourselves to the limit every day (except about one or two a week) and we're worn by the end of the season. You can over work your body ... you just need to find the right balance ... just remember to listen to your body's needs.

    best of wishes.


    don't let exercise become compulsive  

  10. In order to increase the time you spend at the gym, eventually you will have to put up with pushing yourself further. However, you shouldn't do this all at once. Start by adding on 5 minutes to your cardio and slowly add to that once you are used to the extra 5 minutes.

    You should never continue if you feel dizzy and sick. The last thing people want is a smelly machine covered with puke.

    Feeling dizzy could mean low blood sugar or other things. Try consulting your doctor or one of the gym trainers.

  11. if your body is weak and dizzy for the moment then it's not good

    take it down a notch

  12. make sure you don't die and you will be okay :]  

    also muscle is heavier than fat so you will maybe get heavier, even tho you are more toned.

  13. you could accidently pull one of ur muscles or break something if ur not carefull bytheway if ur pushing ur self to ur limits u should not quit excersizing cuz if u stop suddenly you wil have differnt  functions in ur body

  14. sure why not

  15. Don't push yourself.

    That's terrible. cause you'll just gain it all right back if you go fast with your weight loss process.

  16. No it's not ok to do push the limit at the gym because you will get major health problems and you'll lose to much weight and that causes even more health problems so it's not ok.

  17. It takes time to lose weight. And yes working yourself to the limit is good. It's called overload, always push yourself, or you will get nowhere. Also, progression, it needs to be slow and steady or you could injure yourself. Keep increasing the amounts you do each week, you will progress and be able to acomplish more, and lose more weight.

    But don't push yourself if its making you ill, make sure you are drinking enough water, you might just be getting a little dehydrated. Try and push yourself to the limit and beyond, but if its getting too much then just stick to what you know.


  18. You have to push a little to get results, but you're not supposed to make yourself sick.

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