
Is it OK to submit coursework that contains possibly disturbing themes?

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We had to write a parody of a love poem for english class and i wrote a poem about a woman who is abused by her husband and kills herself at the end.

Is it too... i don't know, disturbing to hand in for school?




  1. Hmmm yeah, probably.

    I would be safe and re-write it =)

  2. Depends on the teacher and how open minded they are....of course, there could be a student that might not find the humor in it and decide to get their panties in a twist over it.

    You have to be overly cautious in this day of "political correctness"...even though most of the people that scream loudest are often the biggest offenders.

  3. No, it's fine. There's a chance your teacher may be disturbed by it and worry it's prompted by something in your homelife. But, otherwise, depending on how it's done, strong emotions make good work, and darker emotions are better than happier ones (sugary love poems are hideous).

  4. I would say trust your instincts on this one. I'd like to know why you chose this particular theme. It certainly is an interesting choice. I believe in freedom of expression, if I were the teacher, I would want my students to turn in work that inspired them and was honest.

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