
Is it OK to watch the Bourne Supremacy before The Bourne Identity?

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I have just downloaded the Bourne Supremacy and the Bourne Identity has an hour left to fully download. Am i able to watch the 2nd of the series or would that ruin it.




  1. watch them in order

  2. no it would not make any sense  

  3. no its not ok, you should watch bourne identity first

  4. i suggest u dont

    wont maek any sense

    it wuld be hard to understand his objective

    u need to watch the first 1 to understand the whole htng

  5. man you should totally wait til the bourne identity is done and start the series naturally ;)

  6. like LOTR or Matrix you must watch the first =)

  7. The US Supreme Court recently decided in a split decision that it is a federal crime to watch the Bourne Supremacy before the Bourne Identity.

    The court decision received some criticism from Congress. When asked why they reached that decision, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, "Identity comes before supremacy in the dictionary. Movies MUST be watched in alphabetical order. Any a^^hole knows that."

    If you don't live in the US, do whatever the h**l you want.

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