
Is it Ok if I give my 9 month old the Straw Sippy Cups? ?

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She will NOT take a regular sippy cup, and sometimes if what im drinking has a straw in it, she will sip away...Is it ok to give her a Staw Sippy? Or is it way to early?




  1. Definitely fine.  I started my son w/a straw sippy at 8 months.  He loves it! :)

  2. there's no reason not to! my son started on those for a couple months before I switched him to a regular sippy took him 2 weeks to figure out how to lift a cup enough to drink out of, and now he loves it.

  3. That is great I think.  Sippy cups are nice because they don't spill, but then sometimes you have problems taking them away because the child gets attatched to that just like a bottle.  I try a straw with my 6 month old and he will sometimes get some.  There's no harm it in at all!

  4. That's fine ! I do not see any reason why this would be a bad thing for her at her age.  

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