
Is it POSSIBLE the first or second time you see someone?

by  |  earlier

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At first, you thought they were beautiful, then we you see them again they wasn't all that like you thought the first time, and what could of made the change in the way you saw them.




  1. Yeah,it's like the first time I visit a house-it seems all nice and neat,but each time I go back I notice more and more dust or things that aren't quite so

  2. The process is called satiation.

    The first time, there's a shock effect.  The second time, you've seen them before, so you're not as shocked, can look closer and you start to notice the inevitable flaws.

  3. Yea i think thats possible because it happened to me alot. Like when you go to a new place and meet someone. And then you meet them again and they seem very different. I guess its just the first impressions...

  4. The first glance towards someone can result in overreaction to the more attractive aspects, giving an untrue vision of the person,  When you have time to study all the details of  them imperfections in them are more apparent.

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