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I am just WONDERING if there IS really a POSSIBILITY to MOVE thing BY mind NO matter HOW heavy IT was ? IS there ANYBODY really OUT there THAT can DO this EXTRA ordinary POWER just by using their THOUGHTS .




  1. Yes it is. I am useing my mind to move my fingers as I type this answer.

  2. This answer was written over a millennium ago. If it isn't good enough don't bother arguing with me argue with the author.

    Matthew 17:20

  3. Of course its true. Its the normal in ancient times, when people needed them to survive.

  4. It's certainly possible.  But first you need to know and understand the concept of reality that makes up the world we live in.  There are documentaries that will provide a better insight, try watching "What the bleep do we know?!"  It's very enlightening!

  5. If it is possible, nobody has ever demonstrated such an ability yet. Early last century parapsychologists were still being fooled by trained horses (see JB Rhine and "Lady Wonder"). Mid last century there was some excitement over the possibility that psychokinesis could be done, and this was the time that hack magician Uri Geller wasn't yet exposed as a fraud and parapsychology was in its infancy. But alas, nobody was able to demonstrated any ability under controlled conditions even after many years of research. So the parapsychologists switched to trying to influence things microscopically instead of macroscopically, and so they dealt with influencing dice rolls and the like. Still, this yielded results that can at best be described as controversial, at worst pathological science. All in all, very very disappointing results for parapsychology to date.

    See the link below for a more thorough discussion on psychokinesis and other related things.

  6. NO!

    Apart from your own motivation.

  7. Nobody has ever been able to show telekinetic powers in a controlled experiment.  Watching some documentary won't change this.

  8. No,I doubt anyone can.There's no shortage of boasters and braggers who''ll tell you they do it.Don't hold your breath waiting for them to put up,or shut up,

  9. ***********READ BEFORE READING***********it is like, 40,000,000 words, so if you wanna go through with the whole thing.(it took me 5 HOURS TO TYPE IT ALL, so please read just a little bit of it.

    yes, it is called psychokenesis(PK), it is a form of Psi,meaning that apparently it is a technique of mind over matter through invisible means. Examples of PK are movements of objects, bending of metals, and determining the outcome of events. It can occur spontaneously and deliberately which indicates it is both an unconscious and conscious process.

    A designation for both extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK) as proposed in 1946 by the British psychologists Drs. Robert Thouless and W. P. Weisner. The reasons for their proposal were that "psi" is the twenty-third letter of the Greek alphabet commonly used in parapsychology to include both phenomena of ESP and PK because both are closely related. However, since that time the term often has been inaccurately used to include almost any paranormal experience or phenomenon.

    Discarded theories:

    Theories concerning the functioning of psi have been difficult to formulate because it defies most laboratory experiments to describe it activity in physical or quasi-physical terms. It operates outside of the boundaries of time and space. No physical variables influence psi in laboratory testing. Theories that psi is some sort of a wave, particle, force, or field have been advanced and discarded. Psi is not, nor is it affected by the four forces of physics; strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, gravitational force, or electromagnetic force. It is not subject either to the law of thermodynamics or the law of gravity. Psi requires no exchange of energy, which is pretty remarkable in incidents of apparent PK; for example, according to the mechanical laws of physics, the dematerialization of a copper penny would require the energy of a small nuclear bomb. Psi defies the theory of relativity which states that no particle or object can move faster than the speed of light which is 186,000 miles per second.

    All such psi defiance to be defined in physical terms has forced researches to look elsewhere for explanations. Some occultist believe psi is a vibration manifested throughout the world, but most scientists view this possibility with skepticism.

    Physiological affects:

    Since it is almost impossible to identify psi through laboratory experimentation one way that has been found to identify it is through the measurement of the involuntary physiological processes in the autonomic nervous system of laboratory test subjects. The most common measures are the galvanic skin response (GSR), which records the activity of the sweat gland., and the plethysmograph, which measures the changes in blood volume in the finger that are caused by the dilation and constriction of blood vessels. Less often use is the electroencephalograph (EEG), which measures brain activity.

    The GSR and plethysmograph are used to detect emotional arousal. Their use in psi tests indicate when the subject is confronted with emotionally charged targets as opposed emotionally neutral targets. Autonomic activity increases when information that is emotionally charged for the percipient appears to be conveyed psychically.

    Studies with ganzfeld stimulation show that an alpha state of brain-wave appears to be conductive to psi. Psi performance improves with a positive mood and expectation is provided by the experimenter in a friendly atmosphere. Psi decreases when the experimenter sets up conditions for anxiety, a negative mood, expectation, boredom, and a hostile environment. A.G.H.


    The term psychokinesis is derived from the Greek words psyche meaning "breath," "life," or "soul," and kinein meaning "to move." The occurrences of PK have been recorded since ancient times. The occurrences include levitation, miraculous healings, luminosities, apports, and other physical phenomena attributed to holy persons and adepts of magic around the world. Such phenomena is recorded in the Bible, especially in the New Testament, in the Book of Acts. One example is cited in which St. Paul and Silas where imprisoned in Ephesus where they prayed and sung hymns, and at midnight their shackles fell off as the prison doors swung opened (Acts 16:19-40).

    It is thought that possibly magic spells, curses, and rituals to control the weather may involve PK. The use of the evil eye has been placed within this classification.

    Manifestations of PK have occurred in spiritualism such as alleged materializations and dematerializations, apports, levitations, table-tipping, raps, and the appearances of ectoplasm and pseudopods. One 19th century D. D. Holmes was known for his ability to levitate and to handle hot coals without being burned. But, also during this time, there were individuals known as "electric people" who experienced a"high-voltage syndrome". They made knives and forks cling to their skin, and with a touch could send furniture flying across a room.

    At the beginning of the 20th century Rudi Schneider, another medium known for his PK ability of materialization and telekinesis of objects, was studied by psychical researchers.

    Twentieth century research:

    Since the 1930s interest in PK has increased until it has created on of the fastest growing fields of research in parapsychology. This is particularly true within the Soviet Union and the United States. However, results from clinical-controlled studies have been contradictory. Some of the studies were attacked for the methodology while others were accused of being tainted by fraud.

    It can be stated that psychokinesis does occur, by the necessary conditions and requirements for is occurrence Patterns have been identified according to experimenters and subjects, but it is known such patterns do not apply in all circumstances.

    An American parapsychologist at Duke University in North Carolina, J. B. Rhine began conducting PK experiments in 1934. Although he was not the first to study PK, he did so after conducting ESP experiments which yielded significant results. Rhine's subject was a gambler who claimed to be able to influence the fall of the dice to roll certain numbers or number combinations. Early experimental data showed results far beyond the probabilities of chance, but later testing data yielded uneven results.

    Rhine did not immediately publish his findings for several reasons: PK suffered a dubious reputation at the time; he had occasionally used himself as a subject; and his studies were very insignificantly controlled. He finally published his findings when an assistant noted that subjects scored significantly better at the dice in the early part of the sessions than toward the end. This tendency attributed to a decrease of interest on the part of the subjects had been observed in ESP experiments too.

    In the publication of his experiments Rhine reported that he observed that PK does not seem connect with any physical process of the brain, or to be subject to any of the mechanical laws of physics. Rather, it does seem to be a nonphysical force of the mind which can act on matter in statically measurably ways. The results produced cannot be explained by physics.

    Rhine further concluded that PK was similar to ESP in that both were independent of space and time. ESP was a necessary part of the PK process, and that one signifies the other. In order to exert an influence over matter, such as tossed dice, ESP has to come into play at a critical point in space, and at the right moment in time. Both PK and ESP were influenced by drugs, hypnosis, and the subject's stae of mind.

    Also, it was Rhine's belief that faith healing and folk magic healing were PK phenomena, in which a psychogenic effect, sometimes at a distance, was exerted on the body.

    Rhine's research marked the beginning of a new era in PK experimentation. Before 1940 most observations in PK occurred through physical mediumship which was generally performed in dark settings of seances. It was practical impossible to establish any scientific control within such settings and there were many accusations of fraud. Following Rhine's work the experimentation of PK was divided into two categories: macro-PK, or observable events; and, micro-PK, weak or slight effects not observable to the naked eye and requiring statistical evaluation. More emphasis was placed on micro-PK.

    During the late 1960s a new method of testing micro-PK was developed by the American physicist Helmut Schmidt. His apparatus known as the "electronic coin flipper" operated on the random decay of radioactive particles. As the decay occurs the particles or rays are emitted at rates which are unaffected by temperature, pressure, electricity, magnetism, or chemical change. Such a rate of emission is completely unpredictable and cannot be manipulated by fraud.

    In experiments subjects were asked to exert their mental energy to influence on the flipping of the coins, so to attempt to make them come up heads or tails so the bulbs on the apparatus would light up in one direction or the other. Some subjects did successfully influence the coin toss. The electronic coin flipper was the prototype of random event generators, computerized techniques which have since played a major role in both ESP and PK testing, and have produced significant PK test results.

    Schmidt was also interested in determining animal-PK. In tests animal produced some positive results, but Schmidt found the interpretation difficult. He theorized that the experimenter could influenced the results by using his own PK upon the experimental subjects. His theory has been proven accurate because this has been determined to be an obstacle in all psi-testing of animals. It is virtually impossible to tell which is exhibiting

  10. Anything is possible when you're tripping on acid. You should try it.

  11. Yeah. I can move my house. And I met Spiderman yesterday.


    when pigs fly.

  12. I've never seen it done..but I know there are people who can control people with their mind power...I think through their eyes. I wouldn't believe it either if it hadn't happened to me. I didn't realize that's what was happening at the time. I only realize it now by hindsight.

    Edit..Here's a link to the site Adamir was talking about.

  13. Well the mind is the strongest force there is in the universe. In my opinion I tend to believe it is very possible to do so.  In everything it is just about knowing how.  I'm a hypnotherapist and I can very well hypnotize others to make them believe that I moved a mountain.  So then it also gets into is something moved from one spot to another just because someone believes it.  What the mind believes or sees goes a very long way in my opinion in determining if it happened or not or at least that is the case in the world we live in.  I do know that your mind or thoughts from your mind very much influences your environment and other people and especially your own self in such strong ways that most do not realize.

  14. yes criss angel and david blaine can do this

  15. Many people have claimed it's possible, but none have demonstrated.  I find it's a wise course of action to disregard outrageous claims when they are contrary to the evidence.

    Unless you're talking about Yoda.

  16. No.  No-one anywhere has ever been able to demonstrate any telekinetic powers of any sort.  Besides which, it would violate several fundamental laws of physics.  So it seems kind of unlikely.


  17. If you're looking for comic book or movie type stuff, I wouldn't bet on it. The only good studies I've seen are kind of boring. But if moving things does become necessary, the human race seems to have it's ways! It'll get moved somehow.

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