
Is it REALLY impossible for a hamster to get fleas with out going outside?

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This guy in the store told us that hamsters CANNOT get fleas unless you put them outside to run on the ground. I always thought that fleas can live in you carpet and lay eggs there. So we asked him do he have any flea stuff the put on hamsters (all the way through the conversation he was laughing) and he say their is none.




  1. Hamsters can get fleas.  You can bring them in on your clothes.  'Eight in One' makes a spray for fleas for small animals.  Might want to check at a different pet store.  There are probably other manufacturers too.

  2. it is not very likely hamsters are very fastidious and groom themselves often

  3. It is possible if you have fleas in your home..then they will get on your hamster. The hamster is so small you can manually pick the fleas off of him/her and change their bedding to get rid of the flea problem on them. The hamster is so small I would be too scared to try using an flea product on them.

  4. If you have other animals in the house (like a dog or cat) the hamster can catch it from that. And its true that they scratch and clean themselves. If you see missing hair, scabs, or the fleas call a vet and they can give him a shot or dip him in some medcine. This topic makes me sad because my guinea pig had an investastion of "mites" and i had to put him down ='(

  5. It is possible, but not very common. They groom by kind of biting/sliding the hair through their teeth. If you have cedar bedding then yo should change to another kind, because they can be allergic to it. They have small animal flea spray, but you can just change the bedding and pick the fleas out of it's fur.  

  6. u should really take her to the vet because it could be mites so take it to the vet asap

  7. Yes, it is possible but not very probable. It could also be mites or lice(slightly more probable). You can look through it's fur; you can see them. There IS small animal sprays for these critters. Also, allergies could cause itching. What kind of bedding do you use? It is normal for them the scratch and groom.

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