
Is it Rape If this happens????

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if someone was buzzed at the party they went to and was having oral s*x with a person and that person and that person was 27 and the girl was 14 is that rape. what if he touched you without consent?




  1. It could possibly be classed as statutory rape but more likely would be a sexual assault.

    If touched without consent, again that would be a sexual assault.

  2. If The Girl Is 14 She By Law Can't Give Consent. Plus That's Real Messed Up, At 27 Y.O. Messin With A 14 Y.O.

  3. Its statutory rape meaning its s*x without legal consent. Statutory rape is considered rape becuase rape is defined by someone who has s*x without consent (normaly against their will) but in this case its s*x without legal consent. A minor cannot give legal consent to s*x. However if  it was done with her being unwilling as well, it would be rape as defined with non-willingness and statutory as it was done illegaly even if willing. He would get introuble for both.

    Most people get confused about the difference between rape and statutory rape. One is done without the person's consent the other is done without the law's consent.

  4. Fourteen is below the age of consent in almost every state in the union.  Add to it the fact that the offender was over three years older than the victim and, yes, you have a rape charge.  The s*x act described is defined in most states as sexual conduct, and also fits the fact pattern for rape.

    This is not a good scenario for the 27 year old.

  5. It's statutory rape and also sexual assault

  6. absolutely, if they were both 14 and drunk that is a different story...

    but here we have a guy who moved because the ****** knew he did wrong.

  7. stautory rape

    because the girl is underaged

    and thats disgusting by the way

  8. definitely rape b/c the girl hasn't reached the age of giving consent yet, 18, at least here in the US,  

  9. Agree with the above answer. Any sexual contact (wanted or unwanted) is illegal between an adult and a minor.

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