
Is it Rape if you Spike someones already alcoholic drink

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Lets say a guy throws a party where he serves alcohol to others including some girls. What is he puts stronger alcohol into a drink that is normally that stronger. Just as an example a shot of everclear(tasteless grain alcohol 150 plus proof) into someones beer (it is called a "Stealth Bomber" in case you are wondering.) after that he ends up having s*x with one of the girls. Would you consider that rape?

If you say yes because she is drunk, you have to remember that he is also drunk, so is she also raping him, why is only that girls can use intoxication as an excuse?

If you say yes because she didn't know the drink was spiked, remember that she is NOT under drinking age, and that she knew that the drink already had alcohol in it from the beginning, can you blame him that she underestimated its potency?




  1. My opinion is that first off, your guilty of spiking her drink with something and what was your motive for doing that? I believe that if she says you raped her, she would have some leverage do to your motives. Why go there anyway? If you're both drinking and both drunk, let things just happen, don't add to it by putting something in her drink because that would make it look like you have some underlying thoughts. Be safe not stupid.

  2. uhh yup!

  3. Consensual s*x is not rape, forced sexual intercourse on an unwilling partner, concious or otherwise is rape. Simple as that. Come on Wayne, you can't be that ugly you have to comatose some one to shag you. Cause thats just sick..

  4. Yes, that is still very much rape - and is looked on as just as bad as rape without spiking.

    Girls can use intoxication as an excuse because rape is about consent, and if theyre too drunk to give their consent, then someone shouldnt take it.

    Also they don't need to get an erection to have s*x. You can jut stick it right in there whether they really want it or not.

    Guys need an erection. They get an erection because they want s*x - generally.

  5. Generally speaking, if a woman is beyond the ability to refuse s*x it is considered rape. If BOTH are arguably on the same level of incompetence, they can technically charge each other in a 'my word vs. yours'.

  6. Drinking and rape are different subjects.

  7. I found your question very interesting and I did read all of your question. Since both adults were over 18, I do not consider this a rape case. I wanted to clarify that there are male rape cases and I had a male friend while I was attending the university who was gang raped at a wild party he attended and there was lots of drinking. In my city there is a large support group for males who have been raped. Rape is an act of force whether it is against a female or a male. I also believe the drinking age should be raised higher as it often causes these violent acts. When people drink and hurt others it is wrong.

  8. ok I'd say that if she was already drunk before the ever clear was poured in her drink that she'd passed out, or worse got acholol poisioning from it..

    Maybe you all shouldn't drink at parties, grow up cause your taking your own life into your own hands..

    I'm not sure that it would be considered rape, that would be a hard one to prove in a court of law..

    best advice is stay sober and don't drink cause you'll get into a horrible situation, and then you'll be whining in your boots after that...

  9. Its still rape - s*x without consent, pure and simple. And in this case, its also about control - him controlling her by spiking her drinks.

  10. its pretty hard for a girl to force herself on a guy if hes not aroused but yeah you right girls could rape guys

    but no i don't consider it rape as long as the girl knew what she was drinking and there were no date rape drugs added also the dude was drunk and with both of them being trashed it was probably consensual

    but if its like there was already alchohol and the dude made it stronger as you said then thats a lil iffy to me so...  

  11. It IS rape. Especially if he knowingly puts something stronger in the girl's drink. It shows that he's purposely trying to lower her inhibitions even more to the point that she can't make a decision for herself whether or not she wants to have s*x with him or not. And YES you can blame him! He is the reason the drink was more potent in the first place! It's clear what his intentions are if he's spiking her drink in the first place. And if she says no at any time during all of this, no matter drunk she is, it counts as rape. Plain and simple.

  12. I do agree with what most ppl here are saying that having s*x where there is no consent is rape.

    However, (not that im saying she deserves it) the girl should also be responsible enough to watch what she is drinking.

    A couple of safety tips:-

    1) Drink from bottles where you can cover the top with your thumb. Watch it being opened and do not leave it unattended.

    2) Since No1 is not completely fool proof, hang out with some good friends who care about your well being who will look after you if you do become over intoxicated.

    and for the guys, next time you consider it, If you have a remorseful bone in your body just remember that it is someones daughter and it could happen to your future daughter one day.

  13. Why not learn some knock-knock jokes, brush your teeth, and tell the girl she is funny/pretty.  It is much easier than buying everclear and manipulating a girl into getting drunk enough that she will sleep with you!

    It isnt illegal unless she is made to have s*x against her will or too drunk to give consent.  That said, the chance that she could say that she was too drunk to give consent LATER is always something to think about.  Do you want to REALLY find out how legal it is when the girl's lawyer is holding up a bottle of Everclear in court and talking about "stealth bombers"?

    Would it be illegal for your cellmate to "tickle you" while you try to sleep?  

  14. You seem confused.

    spiking someones drink is not classed as rape.

    Having s*x without her consent is.

    All that would count was whether you had her consent or not.

  15. It's still rape.

  16. no , but I would reconsider what kind of person and if you would want to be around this person when he decides to do the real thing!

  17. Yes. It doesn't matter what you spike someone's drink with, it's still illegal.  Deliberately doping a drink with extra alcohol is still giving them more alcohol than they expect so is a way of adversely affecting their judgement without their consent.  

  18. it isnt rape just because someone is drunk, so your whole "she is raping him too" argument is.. retarded...

    because "the guy" (*cough*) secretly put stronger alcohol into her drink, he could get into trouble... if it was found that he did that with the intention of making her overly intoxicated so he could have s*x with her (even though she didnt want to) then that might be rape...

    wonder who the guy might be...

  19. its not really spiking the drink as the drink was already alcoholic, if he "spiked" a non alcoholic drink then yes, this would be rape. But both parties were reckles in the fact that they got drunk and dam 4got where i was goin with this. But no, its not rape

  20. If a person intentionally spikes a drink and decieves a girl OR a guy in order to get them so drunk they will have s*x then yes it is rape. It's about taking the choice away from them. Of course they are going to underestimate the potency if you add everclear to beer. They wouldn't expect to get that drunk on just beer. It doesnt matter if you too were drunk - YOU would know how strong the alcohol was and would have planned it!

    That's soooooo sneaky and horrible. I hope you are not intending to get laid like that.

    That's plain creepy.

  21. The real problem here is that this guy can't get laid unless he gets someone drunk. Pathetic.  

  22. I am amazed by how little people know about female on male rape!  Men get erections in their sleep or from specific drugs or from contact.  The only way I can explain this is - other women - dump a gallon of water down the front of your shirt and step outside in winter.  Now MAKE your nipples stay flat.  You can't because it isn't a voluntary response, and neither is an erection (I don't know any guy who thinks I'm gonna get an erection like one might think I'm gonna move my arm to pick up my cell phone and it happens).  So yes, if she spiked his drink and once he was completely out of it had s*x with him, it would be rape (though our stupid legal system would probably make him miserable for trying to report it which is why the two men I know who have been drugged and raped by women never reported it).  Female on male rape is quite possibly the most underreported crime since there are not statistics because men are almost invariably afraid of ridicule and don't report it.  Sexism at it's best, I guess.  

    But that isn't what happened here.  He spiked her drink.  Many people will set a limit for how much they can drink, not just for the purposes of s*x, but for driving and going to work/school the next day and many other reasons.  What if she didn't have s*x with him, but (thinking she had only one beer) hopped in her car to go home?  When you do something like that to someone it isn't funny, you could be killing them.  And of course it is rape - why else would he spike her drink without her consent?  Certainly not because he thought she would consent while sober or having just the beer she asked for - and that (while it may be more difficult to prove since she was already drinking) - is the definition of rape.

  23. just find a chick that drinks everclear, there are plenty of them out there

    I went to a frat party once where they took those capri suns and injected them with everclear, they were fantastic!

    I almost slept with my highschool crush that night, but he smelled really bad and it made me gag. blech, man sweat!

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