
Is it Really Worth Buying a Blue Ray Player? Is the image really a lot better??

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as far as price....and if i do decide to get one....Whats the best one you recommend???




  1. As people have said, the best player to get right now is the PS3. It's reasonably priced, and has much more features. As for the image quality difference, you can really tell. But for maximum quality you must have a 1080p capable HDTV and use an HDMI port. Without those things, you will not get the highest quality. But, if you are neither a gamer nor an image quality fanatic, there is really no need to buy a Blu Ray player at this time, seeing as prices have still yet to come under $200.

  2. I went to blockbuster and they had a blueray movie on and it looks and sounds gorgeous, Id wait untill DVD are the thing of the pass and evryone has blueray becuase it'll be cheaper by then

  3. blu-ray needs the hardware bluray player,at least 1080i tv,blu-ray disc and hdmi connection to enjoy the high picture others suggested,you don't need to buy ps if you don't play and movie with high picture quality are totally different buy ps is people who like both.

  4. The PICTURE QUALITY is that much better than an OLD DVD player !!

    Is it worth the price?  Yes, it seems the prices won't go down much more for a year or two....

    And if I have to pay $400 to $500 on a dvd player, I'm sure going to get GAMING with it....

    So I would put the money into a PS3.....


    Most people who say yes are biased, because they like Sony PS3

    The bottom line is, the difference is absolutely so minimal, it truly is not worth it.

    If you want something that good, buy an HD DVD player.

    A bit cheaper, and same quality.

  6. It's worth it if you have the right TV.  If your TV is capable of at least 1080i than it will look beautiful, otherwise wait untiil you buy a new TV.

  7. The choicie is up to you.

    People who bought the HD DVD players are going to be sorry due to fact that main platform is now Blue Ray if you want to get top notch quality DVD.

    They are no longer making  DVD for HD players as I have heard on KFI 640, and other various news outlets

  8. Honestly no. The only difference is that you can see the pimples on peoples faces. Thats not really any better. Its pretty much the same as HD. I wouldnt buy one. Just dont get one. Its not worth the money

  9. No I don't think it is worth the price.  I have a $50 DVD player and that works just fine on my HD TV.

  10. Only you can really decide if it's worth the premium price.

    IF you have a ~40" or larger HDTV (preferably 1080p) and a good surround sound system, AND you watch at optimum distance you will probably see a better picture than upconverted DVDs. BUT, if you have a smaller HDTV or a 720p model or watch from further than optimum you won't see a big improvement.

    At the moment players are at least $300 -- and good ones are $400 or more -- and except for loss leaders, disks are averaging $11 more expensive than the same movie on DVD.

    If you have the money and want the best get Blu-ray ... but if you are less fussy and/or value your hard earned $$ more, I'd suggest waiting for prices of players and disks to come down and profile 2.0 players to be more available.

    If you decide to buy, the PS3 is the best choice.

    Personally, I find modern DVDs on my HD projector/110" screen look plenty good enough to me. I tried HD DVD -- which gives almost identical video and audio quality to Blu-ray -- and wasn't very impressed. I have no intention of buying Blu-ray unless prices come down to very close to DVD (in which case the benefits may be worthwhile).

  11. The difference is remarkable when you first see the HD picture. However, it soon wears off and you start to wonder whether it was such a good investment after all. My best advice would be to buy a Playstation3, if you like games, as that has a Blueray player built in, but otherwise avoid them until they get a little cheaper.

  12. Yes! But I reccomend buying a ps3 because you can play games on it and watch Blu-Ray. Hope that helps!

  13. its not so much the difference in player price but that the bluDVD prices are way more than normal DVD and normal DVD with upscaling is about an 8 blu 9nhalf so is it really worth the xtra cost. go for a media player instead so you can stream movies and download to it without burning any discs at all check out the pixel magic MB 100 its also 1080p

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