
Is it Sooooooooooooooo wrong that........?

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My APBT isn't from a proven bloodline?

When I saw him I fell in love with him! The guy who gave him to me was on his way to drop off the entire litter at the pound because he could not afford to care for them. I asked if I could meet the parents and they were amazing! He never meant for them to breed, but it happened before he got his male neutered. The male is proven, but the female was not.

My APBT is the sweetest dog I have ever known and he is well trained and socialized. He is great with my daughter and with my cats! What concerns me is people who talk about bloodlines. I hear much too often that if a pit bull isn't from a proven bloodline then no matter how well he is trained and socialized, that one day he could snap and turn on his owners.

What do you think? Is it all about the bloodline, or is it more so in the training, socialization, and in how you treat and raise your dog?




  1. If it was true that every APBT that didn't come from certain bloodlines will definitely turn on it's owner out of no where, shelters and rescues wouldn't be able to adopt out any APBT or Pit mix that didn't come with a history and bloodline info. It's just another one of those myths that have become widespread and out of control.

  2. It's a little bit of both. If there's aggression in the dog's genetic history, you may want to be a little careful. But love him, make sure his training is kept up, and you should have a great dog.  

  3. It's all about whatever you want it to be about. It's your dog. Love it for whatever reasons you want.

  4. s***w what other people think!! As long as you love him and take care of him responsibly then you should not have a problem.  I feel it all depends on the owner, not the dog.  i have come across more horrible, aggressive little dogs than pit bulls.  that is just based on teh owners

    What a cutie btw

  5. training and socialization. though irresponsible breeding can create problems.

  6. You saved a dog from a shelter and you love him.  Nothing else matters.

  7. Like most everyone has said, it's up to you..

    I've met people that could care less if they have a pure breed, and some so strict if it's not AKC it's not pure..

    You decide, but it is easier to predict the behavior of the breed if you know it is pure and how the previous dogs behaved.

  8. first of all any animal can turn it is in their nature. pits can be as loving as a poodle if they r raised that way. my one yr old son broke my pits tail and she never batted an eyelash, people talk about what they dont understand and pitbulls are the most misunderstood dog out there. just like your children become what you make them so do your animals

  9. i say it's in the way they are raised.  if in the blood they would always be mean and not snap out of blue.

  10. he's sooo cute!

    And it is both, the genes and the training (but you might have just lucked out!). Train your baby and treat him well and I wish all good things to you all, always!

  11. It's about training, socialization and how you treat the dog. The dog can have the best lines in the world but if he's treated like c**p he's gonna act bad. Get him training, be consistant and love him. ANY dog can "go bad" or snap it has little to do with the breed of the dog and more to do with how it is trained treated and taken care of.  There are pit groups all over the country. Contact your local SPCA and get with one. They will have training tips, socialization exercises and all kinds of info that is breed specific.

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