
Is it True Obama will loose now since he snubbed Hillary ?

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Obaba took a big chance of not winning when he didnt appoint Hillary as is running mate . obama to bad your through. nice knowing you , now wipe your a s s and tell Mcclain to come to the head of the class ,




  1. ........ .poopy

  2. .................. shutup he will win

  3. Yes he will now that he didn't pick Clinton as a ticket.

  4. I had explained this to my friends a long time ago, I said Obama was going to win the ticket.  You know why?  So that way people would vote for McSatan, er, McCain......If they would have let Hillary get the ticket McCain would be on his ***.

    Our government has become so predictably corrupt that you see all this happening way ahead of time.  Now that Obama screwed himself royally by not choosing Hillary for VP....he might as well pack up has marbles and go home.  Our government will use any number of tactics to suppress the votes and make them come out the way they want.  Shameful......but true....How else can you explain 4 more years (eons) with the Bushmonster?  I also predict our country will definitely fall, and fall hard.  We are way to involved in too many issues which makes it obvious we are looking out for our own interest.  Note I say our, because to any Non American we are all in the same boat. Why? Because we do nothing to change it.  Now that Ms. Rice is sending wolf tickets to Russia, who in the h**l knows what's gonna be. Why are we so interested?  We have silos in Poland......we always have our nasty, grubbing, self righteous hands in somebody's pants.

    The actions of a few are going to cost us all dearly.  I don't think the fallout is gonna be able to distinguish who supported or did not.  We must do something, and do this something QUICK.  America.....the not so d**n beautiful....and why, political crookedness and massive head turning.

  5. Another reason why campaign politics are ruining America.

  6. Does that mean everyone he doesn't pick is snubbed? sure are some big minds on this board.

  7. Hillary would have helped him bring the votes in there is no doubt about it.

    But no matter who wins we get a looser for a President.

  8. Its a wierd situation b/c reguardless of who he chose its wierd the VP is goign to have 10 times as much experience as the Presidential candidate.

    I think this was a lose lose situation. He picks Hillary and he would probably win but would be overshadowed and would be miserable b/c of her. He doesn't pick her and he probably won't win but at least has a chance to win and run things how he wants.

  9. No. (But I think Hillary would have been a better choice for him). Obama will loose because he is a remarkably incompetent candidate on issues such as the economy and foreign policy, and he is counting on the American people being stupid enough not to look at his past and question his relationships with some bad people.  

  10. let's hope so.....

  11. Obama is going to win!!!  

  12. We could only hope.

  13. "lose", not "loose"

  14. no i don't think he is going to lose because he didn't pick Clinton.  personally i didn't want him to choose Clinton.  She lost the primaries.  her supporters need to get a knock on the head to finally realize that.  Once her supporters realize by not voting for Obama they will give the white house to McCain who is a twin of Bush policies.  

  15. Who cares with or without Hillary Obama is still a socialist.  

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