
Is it True that when you hate a lot some one?

by  |  earlier

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it is because deep in your heart you are jeaolous of that person. ????????




  1. It is un-true.

  2. No.  And if you are talking about illegal aliens, you need to Yahoo search and go for .. illegal aliens crime.  Scary stuff!

  3. No  -- not necessarily

    You  hate some one very rarely out of jealousy

    You may perhaps avoid them.

    Hatred develops because of anger.

    You may not like someone's behaviour

    Out of suspicion.

    To  like a person and dislike someone is human nature.

  4. ok guy, i see where you are coming from, its not about hate, its about not breaking the laws of other countries to get what you want, then having that country that you broke the law to get what you want pay for your kids that you wont support, and that little map of your gives you another lesson, mexico sold the land to america, its called the gadsden land purchase, so be angry at your own country for making a bad decision, protest mexico about there education laws, there are plenty of good paying jobs their but then you would have to support your own kids wouldnt you

  5. No.  I hate murderers, child abusers, terrorists and gang bangers.  I am SO not jealous of them. If you're talking about someone close to you, then you should know if you are!

  6. maybe.. but there is also a famous Quote.. this is how it goes: "The opposite of love isn't hate- it's indifference. If you hate me,that means you still care."

    i hope this may help!~

  7. Not always,depends on the situation and individual.

  8. I think you are lost.

    This is the immigration forum.

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