
Is it UK Phone number 44-7031842420?

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he said as account officer of lloyd bank london




  1. If it is a real number, it's a UK mobile.  44 is the prefix for the UK from overseas, and the first digit is omitted - therefore this would be 07031842420.  I would be very surprised if a bank officer gave a mobile number instead of a landline.  I'd assume it's not kosher.

  2. no

  3. its a personal number - calls charged at a premium rate  - it is not a mobile number.

  4. UK 070 numbers exploited by email lottery scammers....

    Sophos has revealed that criminals running email lottery scams are exploiting 070 personal numbers in the UK in their attempt to defraud internet users. While these numbers have genuine honest and practical uses, their general availability makes them a perfect tool for cybercriminals looking for financial gain. See link for more:

  5. It's a UK mobile number. Not likely to be above board, most of these people will call you from a landline.

    I'd be very suspicious.

  6. the 44 is the uk call code, but the 7031842420 doesnt sound like a mobile.... they normally start 07, followed by either 7, 8 or 9... id be wary of this

  7. +44 7031 numbers are so-called "personal numbers"

    You can buy these 070 numbers and give them out for people to ring, you then divert it to your number or whatever number you want.

    Although these numbers can have genuine uses, they are ideal if you're a crook and don't want to give out your real number, or if you want to impersonate someone from lloyds Bank, London.

    In other words, the person who gave you that number and said he was from Lloyds Bank is a fraudster.

  8. The 44 bit indiciates it's in the UK, but the rest of the number you have given is a mobile number - so it could be anywhere.

  9. what you going on about !!

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