
Is it Wrong to think i deserve a week paid for free too?

by  |  earlier

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I have a co-worker who recently went in for surgery and is out for a week of work my boss said he would pay her regardless and not take it out of vacation. I was sick in Dec for a week and never got paid. Do you think i should ask him for a week paid as well? If so what should i say?




  1. How do you know about this?  I'm assuming your co-worker told you.  People should not discuss issues of this nature with their co-workers.  This could be grounds for dismissal at some companies.  If this is a medium- to large-sized company, visit the human resources department, discreetly, and ask for a copy of the laws governing sick and vacation leave.  Then you will have information going forward.  I would not approach your boss about something that happened six or seven months ago.  By doing so, you automatically will seem accusatory and aggressive, not characteristics that will endear you to him or her.

  2. No.  It's up to your boss to make the decisions and if he felt that you didn't deserve it for sickness and yor coworker does for surgery, that's his call.

    Don't simply assume that you should receive everything everyone else does.

  3. It's actually NOT up to him, it's up to COMPANY POLICY.  You should read whatever they gave you to read when you started work.

    If you were sick and took sick time, that's different from surgery, where she probably took some kind of leave.  You AND your boss need to follow policy.  Ask your HR dept for a copy of the policy, but don't go in there complaining until you've read the rules.  (you've already signed that you've read them, so get on it!)  Sounds like you may be starting some trouble/drama by butting in where you don't belong.  Your job is to know your rights as an emploee FIRST, and if something is going down that doesn't jive, like you not getting paid in December, then you complain.  You should think twice about complaining because your co-worker got paid, you have no idea what the circumstances are, and you don't seem to know the policy, so be very cautious how much you talk about this in the work place.  You could wind up being the target of some pretty dirty workplace drama.

  4. No i dont think you can ask.  Its up to him.  

    FYI This happpens in my office too, and to be honest the people that get paid for this sort of stuff is people that are never off sick, work really hard and dont take the p**s out of the company.

  5. Surgery is a little different than being sick.  You can usually work while you're sick, if you really needed to.  That's generally not the case when you go in for surgery and during the recovery period.  Plus there are medical bills to consider... even if your employer covers health insurance for you, you'll end up paying something out of pocket.

    The fact is you were out sick more than half a year ago.  If you wanted paid sick leave, you should have asked at the time... not waited until it was offered to someone else.

  6. Wow, what a generous boss.  Are you sure it wasn't sick leave that he was giving her?  Is this a very laid back type of business with no policies/procedures? Usually it's all laid out in black and white so there are no problems like what you have here. If it were cosmetic surgery, then I'd be PO'd, but if it's something that is serious to her health and future, I would let it go. Don't ask him for time paid when you were sick.  If you want to keep your job, I would say nothing at all.

  7. you waited too long..

  8. What is the sick time policy at the company you work for?  If it's a small business with no formal written policies, I'd definitely speak to your boss.  He may have an explanation or rethink your sick time without pay, or you may have a sketchy work history or a short time on the job that will be the difference - but do this without being confrontational.  You do deserve an explanation, in my opinion.

  9. Politely ask human resources to review the sick pay guidelines with you.  Let them know about the two situations, and tell them that you are confused.  You have every right to ask as an employee.  I don't think it is right to say "Oh, you were just sick, but she is going in for surgery, so she deserves the paid time off."  If you were puking your guts out, you simply can't come in to work.  Don't ask for the paid week.  It is probably too late now to receive that week.  Just simply play the role of the confused employee and ask to have things clarified.

  10. Being sick is a lot different than major surgery.  Also, you haven't said if this person is a long time employee, or maybe just a very stellar one.  Do they never take time off?  Is one of you part time and the other one full time?  Are you a newer employee?  All of this stuff makes a difference.  I do think that since this is the boss making an exception, it wouldn't be good for you to ask him to go back and do it for you too and risk alienating him.  Just because someone decides to do something for someone doesn't mean you "deserve" to demand they do it for you too.

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