
Is it a 'real' problem?

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Over the past year or so I have been slightly focused on the cleanliness of my hands...well its not so much my hands but I have an absolute phobia of when anybody bites their fingernails. I absolutely hate it. Its getting to the point where I will get quite upset if I see someone do it such as in public.

Does anybody have any good websites where I can find out what to do or even just have some reassurance of what this is?

It has been really difficult even typing this and this is why I cant tell anyone in ‘the real world’ purely because its embarrassing.

Also I know this isn’t a ‘serious’ problem but I don’t want any comments of abuse for this...

Thank you :) x




  1. I think you have OCD washing your hands because my sister has this and  she is exactly the same.

    Why you have it i can't quite tell it could be to gain control over a situation, that you are anxious, it could just be going over the top.

    It is OK to seek help for it because people seek help for little things like spider phobia's all the time, it has got to a stage that it is interfering in your everyday life so it counts as more serious now.  

  2. Perhaps it would be a good idea to seek advice with a counsellor via your doctor before it becomes an obsessive, compulsive dis-order.

    A girl in our office had a similar dis-order.  Every time she came down the stairs, after holding on to the bannister, every time she touched a door handle, every time she handled money, she would have to go and wash her hands.  It was quite unnerving to watch her.

    Don`t worry about feeling embarassed, you are not alone, most people have some kind of OCD to deal with at one time or another.

  3. youre right, its not serious, but you should see someone for it.

    believe it or not, i had the exact same thing where i would refuse to touch anything at school to the point that i would be so upset i would get literally sick,

    i would wash my hands sooooooo often that they were raw and moving them made them bleed.

    get help from someone so it doesnt get as bad as that!  

  4. Someone has done or said something concerning cleanliness /germs that triggered what you are going through. Although it is a good idea for one to keep hands out of his/her mouth, the human body is great at protecting itself. So although the sight of someone biting their nails might make you a little nauseous, try to think of it as "Their Problem". If you use reasonable care you will be fine and will have no adverse effects from natural surroundings. Simple-I repeat ---simple--- hand washing takes care of the germs that make people sick. You don't have to wash very often either(after bathroom and before you eat). Just relax and let the human body (the one God gave you) take care of itself. If you do develop a problem (OCD) though--get professional help. Don't be is hard to

    deal with on your own. Good luck :)  

  5. Sort of is a serious problem.  Doesn't sound like something too bad right now, but it is something that could definitely get worse.  I'm not going to throw out psychological diseases, but I graduated as a psych major and I think it would be in your best interest to go talk to a doctor about this to curve these behaviors and rituals before they turn into something more.  Good Luck

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