
Is it a Faux-Pas to enjoy the pretzels and peanuts at that bar downtown?

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I love to to go out to this little bar in the Valley on Burbank and those chips n peanuts are too resisting but this lady gave me a dirty look and walked away because I kept eating them after finishing my old fashioned.




  1. if it's on the table, then eat it. maybe she gave you a dirty look because your tip was crappy?

  2. It all depends on whether they brought them to you or whether they were "community pretzels and peanuts" just sitting at the bar and anyone and everyone has already reached their hand in there and touched them.( that would be kinda gross) I am a germaphobe and that just freaks me out. But if you don't care, then who cares what i think or that lady that stared at you at the bar. By the way, is "the little bar in the valley on Burbank" in Ca.?  Just wanted to know. May God bless you in all that you do.

  3. How can you eat them knowing all and sundry have dipped their fingers into the same bowl, and where have they been before without washing?

  4. Well, I wouldn't eat them because you don't know who else's dirty hands have been in them or for how long they have been sitting out, how many flies have landed on them, etc. I don't know why someone would give you a dirty look though, doesn't make much sense to me. Maybe she was just having a bad day?

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