
Is it a GOOD thing we didnt find ALIENS?

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do you think its a good thing we haven't found intelligent life yet?

why? why not?




  1. We did found intelligent life, the only problem is that the goverment don't want us to know that.  =\

  2. There is an (old!) episode of the twilight zone called "To Serve Man" that deals with this idea. Some aliens show up and offer to work with the government. They are really nice, and say that they want to set up diplomatic outposts on our planet, and help us solve our problems here. They offer for some people from Earth to come live and study on their planet, to learn about their technology. They have a book that they carry with them that some human linguists get a hold of. They decipher the cover right away, because it's in their formal writing that they have seen more often. It says "To Serve Man." Everyone is happy because they want these aliens to serve and help them. It takes them a while to decipher the rest of the book. When they do they find out that it is...

    ...a cookbook! Gasp!

    So, from that show I have learned that we should be careful about the intentions of aliens who want to work with us. When they say they want to "serve" us, do they want to help us or do they want to stew us and serve us with a side of potatoes?

  3. No. Their would be benefits to finding another sentient species outside our own little clod of dirt we call Earth... no matter their intentions.

    If they mean good then good for us. Hopefully they would be technologically advanced and be able to solve a lot of the problems we have today like diseases, pollution, world hunger, etc...

    If their intentions are bad then we might lose and get wiped out... but more likely given the extreme distances of space and the fact we have home court advantage we would probably win. The whole ordeal would give mankind a common enemy and force us to drop our differences and fight for our survival instead of for our nations and religions.

    Knowing there is another intelligent species out there would be comforting to know too because if there isn't anyone out there the universe is a big and lonely place. It just makes the universe around us seem that much more interesting =)

  4. If we are dumb enough to believe a god made us, then why would we ever host or expect to acknowledge other life forms.  We'd send a WMD up to meet them before a handshake.

  5. Yes, humanity as a whole is simply not ready to face the fact that their is intelligent life outside of Earth. Although some are mature enough to accept this most are not. Oh but they're there. Trust me.  

  6. yes. because it is better for us not to see filthy creatures in baggy clothes.

  7. What makes you think we haven't?

  8. Area 51 is one of many DUMBs (deep underground military bases) connected by high speed underground trains. It is where the antichrist's army and monstrosities are being built for his soon to rise 4th Reich known as THE NEW WORLD ORDER. The final brutal empire seen by the prophet Daniel and John the Revelator.

    All craft are of human origin... just New World Order vehicles. Their technology appears centuries ahead of that of the civilian population from whom they have suppressed it. As for what people are calling "aliens", think more like extradimensional beings or what some might call "The Fallen":

    If you just HAVE to believe in ETs, they have something special for you very soon. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    Type III 'aliens' and fake 'messiahs' just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...


    Later, ask yourself how we knew all this in advance:

    2 Thessaloinians 2:10-13

  9. Intelligent life is pretty rare on earth. That's why we're looking out in the space for it.  

  10. It could be a good thing or a bad thing. We haven't met aliens therefore we are unaware of how they will react to our existence.

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