
Is it a Republican thing to be HYPOCRITICAL while in office?

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...a good example is Bush and Condoleeza denouncing the "invasion"of Georgia by Russia as being wrong-that Russia has no right to invade other countries?Do they really believe they have any credibility in the world today?




  1. McCain: In the 21st century, ntions ont inve other ntions.

    Gee, Didn't the US invade Iraq? And what century was that? And why have we not left yet when the government and the people of Iraq wants us out?

  2. It's a Republican thing to do everything that falls into one of 3 categories:



    -Stupid & Evil

  3. you're comparing apples to steak there my friend.. two TOTALLY different issues..  Georgia was invaded by Russia, under the guise of "protecting" separatist loyalists.. when, in fact, Georgia was only responding to cross-border attacks by these same loyalists who were supported by Moscow.  It takes a good long while to prepare and implement an invasion..   the Ruskies knew what they were doing.. as far as the Iraqi invasion goes, obviously, it's up for debate.. but, Saddam and his regime cannot in ANY way be compared to Georgia. period.  If France, Britain, Australia, or Germany were invaded by Russia, you wouldn't feel the way you do or speak the way you do.. why the Hyprocrisy that you're so critical of?

  4. For something to be hypocritical there would have to be a common scenario.

    Thank you for letting everyone know what I have been saying for years, Liberals see no difference between democratically elected governments and dictatorships that slaughter millions of there own people.

    For those of us who who love freedom and choosing our leaders countries like Georgia and Iraq have nothing in common.

    If a Liberal were in the White House today Saddam Hussein would be running Iraq and Georgia would be under the thumb of Russia.

    Our current President has IMMENSE credibility on this subject, probably more than any other leader in world history.

  5. no. it is all parties at some point. to think one party is better than the other is playing right into their hand. read up on the history of this conflict and you will see the difference.

  6. No, it's a "politician thing." The Democrats are also masters of this. Only a partisan fool doesn't acknowledge it.

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