
Is it a bad idea to have a double major in college?

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Some people say it's pointless. I know it takes more time but I think in the end it is worth it. What do you think?




  1. You Better Have then Insanely High Effective Energy

    Drinks On Your Side. You're going to be up all Day and

    Night and Hopped On Caffine.

  2. its a lot of work and i don't think that future employers are really going to care that you have a double major. i don't know how beneficial it is.  

  3. it depends, if the subjects have a correlation, then why not double major. it will take longer to graduate but in the long run you will be more marketable to future employers.  

  4. It really depends on your work ethic, My friends have taken on a double major and it seems to work out for them but they say it's alot of work. I would seriously think about if I am going to be dedicated to it or if I THINK I am going to be dedicated.

  5. If you can handle it, I say go for it.  It can only help in your job hunting.  When employers see that, they're impressed.

  6. No, some are even recommending it to students who aren't sure what they want to do. It gives you an advantage too because often different career fields have moments when they are doing a lot of hiring and other moments where employment is booming. Have two areas of expertise can be an advantage if you can handle the work. If you think having two will affect your grades in the other stick to one.

  7. No, as long as you are going to be dedicated.

  8. I think having a double major is a great choice. It gives you so many different career options. Not to mention if one major doesn't work out - you always have the other one to fall back on.

  9. It depends on the two majors.  If you double major in History and Poetry you might as well learn traffic laws extremely well because the only job you'll ever find is teaching traffic school.  If you major in Electrical and Computer Engineering you can make yourself much more marketable because of a wider field of experience.  People who major in one very marketable degree and then a lame one (like Poetry) either, (1) think a double major makes them look good because they are insecure about themselves, or (2) just really like Poetry and found the classes fun.

    Very vague question.  If people have really used a blanket statement to say that "it's pointless," then you should probably not listen to them for advice.

    If you're in college asking this question, you shouldn't be in college because you would know better.  If you're just starting college right now, don't worry about your majors yet.  Enjoy the first year and take some time to find out what you're interested in.

  10. If the two majors you are taking use almost all of the same classes or just go together and you feel it will help you with your career then go ahead. I really don't see the point though. The reason I'm saying taking two majors that have the same classes is because it will widely expand your understanding of a certain career field. For example how many companies really need someone who knows about being a veterinarian and sound design? Better to have a sound design and business degree. If you plan on going to grad school just choose a different major to get your masters degree instead of having two undergrad degree's. I'm assuming you are an undergrad.

    Employers may be in pressed that you took on two degree's, but only if those two degree's will help you in their company. Otherwise they will look at you the same as if you just had one degree. Most companies hire based off of your experiences in the area they need someone and what you can do for the company. Sometime people just hire people because they know them. Alot of education is good, but it doesn't always matter.

  11. if you can do both with out one negatively affecting the other then go for it. its better to have one 4.0 than 2 2.5's but if you can have 2 4.0's then i would say do it

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