
Is it a bad practice to trade stocks at your work?

by  |  earlier

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Even though I work for a financial company (bank), my work does not involve finance, let alone trading equities. However, I often times get tempted into opening my personal account and placing an order or two. Is this a bad practice? I don't want to risk my job for it...any ideas how to deter from this behavior?




  1. Ask your boss. He/she will actually appreciate that you asked and you'll know for sure whether it's okay or not.

  2. The only safe answer is that you should give 100% of your effort to your job when you are at work.  

    However, you do have paid breaks and unpaid time, such as lunchtime.  Depending on your company policy on internet usage, it may be ok to send personal emails or to do personal business on the company network during a break.  Take a look at the company policies and consult a mentor or someone else who you trust for help in deciding what is "reasonable", even if the policy allows this.

    You should realize that you internet usage can be tracked and that any usage during work time can be used to make a case that you are not a good employee.  It is also very easy to fall into a pattern of overuse of the company network and abuse of company time.

  3. You are at work on your company's dime to do your JOB. If you do anything other than your JOB, chances are, you'll be reprimanded up to and including losing your job. If you're trading stocks at work while you should be *working*, then if I was your boss, i'd can you in a second.

    Don't do as the other poster suggested and ask your boss... that will just make your boss want to monitor you MORE to ensure you're doing what they pay you to do. Be safe and don't do it. If you want to trade stocks, then place your orders after you get home to buy/sell stock at the market open. Sure, you'll get stung on the price you buy/sell at but at least you won't be doing it at work thereby LOSING your job.

    Just my $0.02

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