
Is it a bad sign that my Cooking is bad, when my wife prays more after she eats my meal?

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Is it a bad sign that my Cooking is bad, when my wife prays more after she eats my meal?




  1. lol..Jay are you that bored

  2. it means you need to stop cooking, dumb as!!

  3. At least you try.  

    Now you know why take-out is so successful.

  4. Looks like you may be as bad a cook as I am.

  5. hahahaha!  Great one liner! thanks for the chuckle :)

  6. Buy her a bottle of Prilosec.  

  7. Did you ever think you are just paranoid and that she is saying longer prayers because she is thankful she has a thoughtful husband willing to cook for her?  I also think you would know by her reaction.  For example, people usually comment on the food they are eating if they like it.  If that does not help just ask if she liked the "       " that you cooked.  Good luck!

  8. then you need to order out more

  9. your wife is praying that you're not trying to poison her like she is trying to poison you jay

  10. I wouldn't look at it as a bad sign of cooking, look at it as she is blessing her food double.  What a great compliment that she is thanking God that you are not only a good provider but a great help around the house. Not all of us have a man that also cooks.  

  11. She's just thankful for the food she has recieved....

    ....i think.  

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