
Is it a bad thing to forget to release the parking break?

by  |  earlier

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I sometimes drive for a few minutes before i realize i have my parking breaks on.




  1. it over heats th drums and shoes, this can cause warpage and fatigue. doing this over and over makes me think that you are not seeing  a light that comes on in that situation.  

  2. It puts wear on your rear brakes.  If you drive for a long time with the parking brake on it can overheat and warp the rear drums.  Warped drums will cause vibration when braking.  

  3. One time I drove 10 miles in a car with the emergency brake on. I know that this does not say much for me as a driver, but it also does not say much for the emergency brake. That is not an emergency brake, it is an emergency “make the car smell funny” handle.

  4. You have probably caused some damage. Heat warped the braking surface of the disc or drum and glazed the pads or shoes. That's an easy fix for the most part. Not always obvious are bent parts. You might have some long-term oddities happening with the rear brake system from now on. Did you check that transmission fluid as well? I bet you overheated your transmission to. Smack yourself on the back of the head. Your human. It happens.  

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