
Is it a bad thing to let your child listen to music to go to sleep?

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My daughter loves listenting to her lullaby cd as she is going to sleep. My mother in law insists it is a bad idea. She is literally asleep within 10 minutes usually and if we dont play it she cries for her "songs" I dont see the harm if it comforts her...




  1. no its excellent to use music its the easiest way to put a kid right to sleep h**l i use it every night to personaly fall asleep and ur mother in laws crazy lol music is deffinatley perfect for putting ur daughter to sleep

  2. I still listen to music when I can't sleep! It's a great soother.

    The only thing that could go wrong -- and be prepared for this -- is you forget the CD or have no way to play it when you travel.

    With my oldest, I actually had to travel with a small fan for a while because he had to have the white noise. And now, I make sure I always have my iPod charged and loaded up with his favorite music and stories for bedtime. (I don't let him use the earbuds -- just crank it up and lay them on his pillow.)

  3. it is perfectly fine for her to listen to music to fall asleep. I used to do it all the time when I was little. Heck I still do

  4. Not at all, Its actually great. Depending on the music, it can get her smart! :D Try getting some classical. Your mother in law is insane. And eventually, the music will begin to bug your kid. :] So then you wont have to worry if your worried now. Hope I helped :]



  5. It's a great idea.  My kids listen to it all the time.  You do want to switch it up a little, change the CD or play no music sometimes so that they can fall asleep without it if need be. That's where your mother in law is concerned - that they get addicted to it and won't be able to sleep without it.

    I've had situations where we went away on vacation and the hotel didn't have a CD player.  You don't want to be carrying their music all the time if  you go somewhere.  Rotate it and you'll be golden.  Now I ask my kids sometimes - Music?  Sounds? or Nothing?  (their CD radio has the sound scapes that they enjoy too (birds, ocean rain, etc))

    Hope this helps.

  6. Music is a great stimulant for the brain, it increases learning abilities, relaxes, gives a background noise like a fan, and provides comfort.

    Continue your practice, it is a very healthy thing.

  7. No it's not bad, their was a point were I could only listen to jazz music really low to fall asleep.

  8. My baby brother has listened to the local country music station while going to sleep every night since he was born and he's perfectly fine. He is usually asleep within minutes but on those rare occasions that he does wake up in the middle of the night instead of coming to wake someone up he just sits in his bed and sings to himself until he goes back to sleep. Besides, what's the difference in you letting her listen to a CD of lullaby's and other parents singing them to their children as they go to sleep? I think it's fine for her.

    Hope this helps!

  9. no

  10. when i brought my daughter home from the hospital she would not stop crying and i just decided to try a little enya and amazingly she stopped crying. and every night for about 2 months she would fall asleep to it. it sothed her when she was upset. anything that makes your baby happy is good, and music is a good thing for someone.

  11. No it doesn't harm them. I used to listen to calm music all the time to sleep. If it gets her to sleep and music doesn't harm children then it's good!

  12. how would that be bad

  13. theres no problem

  14. No way!  It's not bad at all!!  I think it's good for them, actually.

  15. Music is great as long as it also stimulates the brain - like classical music.

    My grand daughters are 9 and 11 - they still love their music and are talented and gifted.

  16. make sure it changes .. the same tune iover and over does not help.

    avoid anyhting wiht percussion and only classical music.

    or very soft music...

    very high pitches do not help.

    on the other hand.. dont let your kid control you.

    she does not have to have it her way always, that builds character.

    i know its hard, but in the long run its worth the effort.

  17. My children listen to classical music all night. It helps with the cognitive development.

  18. My son will not sleep without the radio on in his bedroom. He's been this way since he was about seven months, and he's almost two now. I don't see any harm in it either. It keeps him happy, and lets me rest. Go for it girl.

  19. I agree with you.  There is no harm in it at all.

  20. I agree that it's not harmful to your child to go to sleep to music. Studies suggest that it helps with a more restful sleep. When I was pregnant with my oldest son I listened to the same tape over and over. Then one day he was fussing in the car and I popped it in and he stopped crying. From then on it made car rides far less stressful.

    Grandma probably doesn't want her to become dependant on it to fall asleep. Grandma probably wants you to parent the way she did as well. It may not be just about the songs to Grandma.

  21. Nope not bad at all.  That's the only way our son would sleep as an infant and now our new baby loves her classical lullabies CD.  Tell her that my son is now 2 years old and is capable of falling asleep without music now even though he listened to it nightly for a full year.  I sleep with a fan going.  The droning of the fan puts me to sleep.

  22. My daughter listens to classical music to sleep she loves it. I find that she sleeps sounder and wakes up more refreshed when the music is on. I use to work in a daycare and during nap time we would either put classical music or jazz which I they love. I personally find it soothing also.

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