
Is it a bad thing to m********e?!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16 years old right now and i m********e a lot. At least once or twice a day. Now i have heard rumors about side effects but i don't believe them. Now is it bad to m********e a lot cause it seems natural to me. Sometimes i do it three to 6 times a day cause i get bored easily. Is it normal? I mean some people tell me that i shouldn't do it but i believe it could actually help in more ways then one. What do you think?




  1. yes

  2. As far as I am concerned, the more the better! How can it hurt? So many of us do it, it is unreal. When boys say they don't, they are lying thru they're teeth! It is great, feels great, and keep up the good work!

  3. I m********e a lot too and have no problems.

    Six times in a day is a lot but if you have friends and normal relationships then don't worry about anything just enjoy it.

  4. its fine. i mean radually you should fine better habits and hobbies. sooo yeahhh. so have fun the rumors arent true. :D it is actually benifiting to your health. COntact Me if needed

  5. uhh, let's say HORNDOG MUCH!

    it's totally normal to m********e regularly, but more than once or twice a day is a little INSANE for any man.  

  6. Dude get a girlfriend, seriously, 6 times a day ???? Get a girl and at the most youll only be doing it one time a week, because you have someone to satisfy you, rather than self pleasure. and relationships are more healthy. But until you get a g.f stick to once a day and try to go a day with out it. Itll be worth it when you gotta girl do it for you

  7. yes you are going to die LOL

  8. I just addressed a similar question on Yahoo Answers. My answer can be found here: (my name is Bruce W - you may have to scroll down a bit to find the answer).

    The short of it is this: NO! It's definitely not a bad thing! It IS normal; even if you m********e a few times a day.

    I've included a few links in the sources below that should be helpful to you.

    Good luck!

  9. Its fine dude.

    Im 16 and im the same as you

  10. Obviously you are still young and dumb and full of c u m...  Some religions say it is bad to m********e... but reality it is a tension releaser and no side effects.

  11. It's a very natural and normal thing to do. It can't hurt you at all! Well,  it could give you a sore wrist after a while! It feels good and it's good for relaxing and to release tension, so go ahead! ;) Have fun! x

  12. it is not a bad thing at all

  13. I think that 6 times a day is alot and some people get kind of "hooked" on it and rather that then actual relationships but there are no actual bad health side affects or anything.

  14. It's not a bad thing to m********e. And though six times a day may be a bit much, it's not harmful to yourself in any way. Actually masturbation is good for you and helps to keep you healthy. If you want more information, go to

  15. ii think itss normal

    it doesnt cause ANY side effects

    escept feel-good ness (Y)


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