
Is it a bad thing when my friend does this --?

by  |  earlier

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when she feeds her in the morning or even lunch and dinner -

she is always saying Eat Eat, like she is rushing her to finish. Sometimes she all ready has food in her mouth.

Some kids I know like to enjoy themselves (and she doesnt play around, she sits quietly) but it jsut seems like she is always rushing her.

Is this normal or how can I make her realize what she is doing?


PS - the mom doesn't work so there is no hurry.




  1. Why not just ask her?  Maybe when she grew up, meals were rushed, rushed, rushed.  I know I have that bad habit.  I eat too quickly sometimes because I was always rushed as a child.  Luckily, I've learned to slow down and I try my hardest not to hurry my kids.  Just pull her aside one day, while the baby is playing or napping, and just talk to her rationally about it.  It sounds like she simply has poor eating habits.  She may not even realize she does it.

  2. yeah I don't think she should be saying "eat eat"  especially if she already is...She could be receiving mixed signals as to what it is she is doing.  I was told by my Dr.  to always allow 30 minutes for every meal whether she eats it all or not.  When she grows up you will want her to take her time and allow her body to tell her when shes full.  Otherwise she will just keep cramming stuff down her throat and possibly end up overweight.  Good eating habits are taught.

  3. I think it's normal. I use the word bite though, and every time my daughter wants food, she says bite please(she's 19 months). Repetition  is how you teach toddlers words, maybe your friend is simply trying to associate words with actions to her child. No big deal. Good luck!

  4. I think some people just don't have patience to sit and wait for a little one to eat because they take awhile.  After I've sat down and eaten my lunch with my one year old I empty the dishwasher and things while talking to her so that she has more time to finish and I'm not sitting there just waiting for her to get done.  Maybe suggest doing something like this while she is finishing or come up with something to distract mom and say hey, this is great she gets to finish up while we get this done.  It's actually a good undiscovered free time for her to do things in the kitchen!

  5. no this is not good you should tell her to stop she could choke and then goodbye so unless you want something to happen to her i suggest u tell her right now

  6. Of course its wrong. My kids can sometimes take an hour to eat all their tea, and I let them go. If they are having lunch and we have to go somewhere, we just take it and they eat it in the car. no way would I ever rush them

  7. Sounds like Its Just A Habit- the kid will set Her Own Pace- Leave it, they are Fine.

  8. I guess the way you approach it depends on how close of a friend she is. If you feel comfortable being honest with her, simply say, "Why do you rush her?", the next time she tells her to eat quickly. Maybe she doesn't realize she's truly rushing her? Just reiterate that there is no hurry...Tell her it's actually better eating habits to chew your food properly, and take your time. It gives your belly more time to digest the food, and realize it's full, so you don't over eat! Poor kid's going to end up with an ulcer from the worry! The bottom line is, it's her kid, and if she doesn't seem to respond well to your advice, there isn't much you can do about it.

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