
Is it a bad time to visit Paris...Will there be RIOTS over the Presidential Elections?

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I don't want to be there if they're going to torch and toss cars everything well? This "Royal" candidate sure got testy and violent sounding now that she didn't win!




  1. we are not voting until tomorrow ......

    i am not sure what the outcome will be ? but by all means ,if there are going to be riots etc. it will not last forever ......and you will see the news by tomorrow evening, therefore you will get a good idea of the atmosphere in France before you even leave ........

  2. Another idiot liberal trying to threaten people with Riots if they lose power.  Jeez.....Royal needs to be slapped for such ignorance.

  3. Violence could occur anytime.  Nevertheless, France is a civilized country and the trouble could be controlled by the government.

  4. ¬¬ Yes.. France will be turned into some apocalyptic battlefield, and Ségolene will give everyone guns to shoot all Sarkozians... And all of that for just some elections..

    PS I'm being sarcastic.

  5. Will I vist LA or will they have another riots? or racist police force?

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