
Is it a coincidence that my dreams come true?

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( write down my dreams when i wake up)

Ok well i barely dream but when i do it happens the next day for instance my step mom was pregnant and i dreamt she was crying and saying why why did we lose the baby and my dad was cryiny. the next day my dad called and said for me to sit down and that he had sad news he told me that the baby died.

and then when i was 8 i dreamt that my papa Phil was driving and had a heart attack and died also killing two other people

and it was on the news the next day

I also feel as though someone i watching me

I dont know what is wrong with me please help and please dont be rude i get enough of that at home and school




  1. I think you can see the future.

  2. wow..i'm so sorry..i don't know what else to say

  3. First of all, you have a dream everyday, you just have to concentrate on it when you wake up to remember them, second of all, its both a coincadence, and An abbility, phycic powers, wohoo for you!!

  4. it may just be Deja Vu. I don't think your psychic or anything. I sometimes have the same thing, i'll feel like something happened already but it didn't

  5. No coincidence. You are controling the world with your mind. Could you dream a lottery win for me. A big one. Thanks, I'll give you a share.

  6. What doesn't happen in your dreams.

  7. that's how i am too! people believe me on that.. just no one believes i can actually read minds.. at school these girls were saying i was i liar and c**p and didn't think i heard it... i pass her a note saying "ew u like Craig Daniels.. AND YOUR PREGNANT ohhh and crystal thinks Ur a bit**" then they believed me. i really hate this- i can see spirits too. =[ i HATE it it's so creepy!

  8. well, maybe u just in a way have a "gift". This is most definately not a coinsidence. i guess its jus somethin u were blessed with. need ta talk?? im here. =]

  9. I don't think you're psychic or anything, because the same sort of thing happens to me sometimes... However, the kind of thing happening to me were good dreams that I actually WANTED to come true. But if you have a tendency of having lots of realistic dreams, more than likely a couple of them will end up coming true throughout your lifetime. So nothing is wrong with you! :] Very sorry about all the things that happened though.

  10. not even coincidence.  people experience something unpredictable, then later "remember" they dreamt it, kind of as a way to deal with the pain i think.  But if you disagree, then start warning people if you think something bad is going to happen to them.

  11. nothings wrong with you,

    you just have alot of deja vu.

    and you have nothing to worry about, it just freaks you out, and so you get paranoid and feel like someones watching you. alot of people feel watched.

    i suck at helping people,

    but i hope i helped a litte.

  12. wow that's some **** right there. i have dreams that come true too, but not the next day, but i see things in my dream which i kinda forget when i wake up, and let's say next week i see that particular scene and that dream comes back to me. if you wanna talk about it you can email me:

  13. One interpretation:

    Pre-cognitive dreams occur; the soul in dream states is more intuitive to Light Energy and its coalescing patterns which are outplay in the physical.

    Your pre-cognitive dreams' examples were both about close family members, very emotional suffering.

    Your personality seems more tolerant and patient than average, regarding rudeness and suchlike.

    So if your pre-cognitive dreams are about close family and major emotional suffering, that indicates you are less psychic and simply receiving Light's messages about such major events.

    A more psychic person would find, by reviewing their dream diary, more pre-cognitive, predictive items than simply those major events.

    So either you're normal and sensitive, or perhaps you are gifted with a more pre-cognitive dreaming ability, if you have more "minor" pre-cognitive dreams.  In either case, you're well within normal, even as a psychically gifted person.  So nothing's "wrong" with you in that way; in fact, such pre-cognitive dreams may help reduce stress for the dreamer.

    If you are interested in dreams, "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton, "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet, "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi, "Dreams," Marilyn C. Barrick, Ph.D., "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis, "Light Is a Living Spirit," O. M. Aivanhov, and "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves, are good. also good.

    However, you are dealing with a greater than usual amount of family suffering (divorce, loss of beloved father, rudeness), so would suggest you help bring more healing into your world by contacting two sets of free, licensed counselors.

    1-800-525-LOVE 24-7 is good; simply tell your life story, the various losses and stresses, and ask for advice.

    1-800-232-6459 M-F during business hours, ask for Counseling dept., tell your story, let them make resource recommendations.

    Both sets of counselors are low-pressure, caring, insightful.  Let them help, ok?

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