
Is it a coincidence that when you go to the dentist

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problems arise which were none existent . My partner has had perfect teeth all her life and had never once been to the dentist(she's 37) then 3 months ago our childrens dentist suggested she join the practice and she did.The dentist scratched about on one of her molars and made a small filling at her first visit, then last night half of that molar fell away.Not a nice experience after 37 years of no teeth problems. I had suggested that my partner carried on without the dentist as i too had a decent set of teeth before visiting the dentist and i had lost several over the last few years always the ones where the dentist had done "work" on.From these experiances i honestly beleive that some dentists ensure future income by occasionally damaging perfectly good teeth .anyone agree/disagree




  1. I compleatly agree i have a number of horror stories I could tell you about my teeth.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one.

    It has got to the point that I told my dentist to get tea f**k and never went back.

    That was 5 years ago and i've never had a problem since.

  2. Well my dentist is fine. It might just be a bad experience with a certain dentist. However, I got all my work on the NHS because I live in London and am technically still a "child" so there is no "future income" motive so maybe that's why my dentist was nice.

    Try changing your dentist to see if it changes your views. Good luck. ^^

  3. She'd NEVER been to the dentist ever? EVEN when she was a kid!?

  4. I tend to disagree as I haven't suffered any unnecessary treatment at my dentist. My dentist is great and really helpful. Perhaps you should change your dentist.

  5. I am in two minds over this one, as dentists can spot problems which a patient cannot. It is likely that your partner thought her teeth were okay, but the dentist may well have seen something, like gum disease - hence half the tooth falling away. Dentists are more preventative these days.

  6. It is possible that the dentist picked up on something that wasn't obvious - teeth can get small cavities without us knowing, they don't cause us problems, but the dentist can pick up on it and fix it. Maybe there was a small cavity there, small enough for it to be unnoticed, but big enough to cause problems inside the tooth, hence it breaking. Probably many reasons.

    On the other side of the coin, some dentists don't pick up on problems that are there - I had a suspicion I had a problem with a tooth, not great one, but I felt it was there. My dentist checked, found nothing wrong. The next dentist I saw agreed with me. It wasn't because that dentist was bad - they were one of the best I'd had. But it was just one of those things.

    Yes, there may well be some dentists who try to get unneccesary work - a friend of mine went through that. But they are the minority. If you had any queries with what a dentist said needed done, though, get a second opinion - different dentists can have different opinions.

  7. I have never heard of a dentist damaging teeth on purpose. Now, I have heard of dentists who will try to make a mountain out of a mole hill, try to get the patient to have work done that really isn't needed. These I would like to say are few and far between. Please don't let one dentists actions discourage you from going to the dentist for yearly exams.  

  8. After reading your story I do agree that there are some dentists out there who intentionally damage people's teeth so that these people may come back and they can receive income. But so far in my life, I haven't had any experience of getting teeth damaged after a visit to the dentist.

  9. This is similar to saying you never had cancer until you went to the doctor. The doctor didn't give you your cancer and most likely did not give her the tooth problems, she was simply unaware of the condition of her mouth. It is not uncommon to have very decayed teeth and significant oral infection and be unaware of it.

  10. Yes,I had a friend who used to have one of "those" dentists who first damaged her teeth,then cured them! Unfortunately we aren't able to see what goes on when dentists have their hands inside our mouth.

    It never happened to me,but I believe it happened to a few people,so,please,tell your wife to change dentist.

  11. I have had the feeling in the past that "oh turnover's down this month" so the next set of patients all get fillings!

  12. there will always be one or two black sheep.

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