
Is it a con , paramedics please answer?

by  |  earlier

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today i got a u-tag { its a usb ice card} in the event that i have an accident on my motorbike, paramedics will know all my details , its a usb stick around my neck. now the thing is would a peramedic know to look and reconise the snake and staff symbol on my helmet ? anywhere in the world? would they know to look at my necklace. and if they find it would they know to put it in a computer, and do paramedics have computers or somekind off reader . cos if they dont what use is it??




  1. I'm a Paramedic and i've never seen a u-tag. I try to look for medic alert tags which might be similar to what you're talking about though.

  2. no this is a universal symbol recognised all over the world!

    as like the medi alert tags>>>>>> so dont worry

  3. Yes we would know what it is.

    Yes we would see it.

    Yes most ambulances have "fancy little computers" for stuff like this.

    yes yes yes yes yes yes.

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