
Is it a conspiracy or a coincidence?

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Just a few years ago, the United States announce that there was a wanted person name Osama Bin Ladin. Now we have a president canididate name Obama and his vice president name Biden. Is this a conspiracy or a coincidence? Just strange how a name are so close together. Yes, I know its 3 different person, and it has no relation, but it awfully close. What do you think?




  1. In the words of the great Buzz Lightyear: "You are a sad, strange little man."

  2. I am a dickweed, much like you are.

  3. I also noticed that McCain will turn 72 before the elections, and there are 72 virgins for Islamic martyrs...72 must be a "Magic Muslim Number".


  4. I think that's just a coincidence but that's interesting.. I never noticed that!

  5. haha wow. funny coincidence. still, not voting for obama though- funny names put aside.

  6. whoa I never thought of that! I think it's a coincidence, but you never know =| I would ote for McCain either way (although I'm not old enough to vote)

  7. I remember all the comparisons after the Kennedy assassination with the Lincoln assassination...both had Vice Presidents named Johnson, Kennedy's secretary had the last name Lincoln, etc. life is weird like that sometimes.

  8. its weird how in this country we have so many plays on words and coincidences in our political system

  9. It's no more related than the current President being named "Bush" and the African bush squirrel.  

  10. Life is funny like that.

  11. obama bin liden?

  12. what's even weirder, add the rev in .  Obama bidens wright!

  13. Thats coincidence but read up on that JFK, Lincoln conspiracy.

  14. I like that. I live in St. Paul MN. A friend of mine and myself wanted to sell shirts. I like the Osama bin Laden/Obama Biden line. Say that 3x fast. I like that, ca-ching!!!

  15. Obama bin Biden

    how pathetic they are even on the ballot

  16. Oh, yeah, "cuz Republicans got nuthin' better to do than cookin' up name conspiries.  And Bush is going to rig the ballots so that Obama can get in and get assasinated.  

    Like I always, better to be an elephant than a jack-***.

  17. a conspiracy as always

    so you sould change your name and move out of the country before they find you throught your IP adress....

    ha ha ah ....

    it could happen.....

  18. Yes, it three different person.  I speak the English good.

    You're an idiot for multiple reasons.

    A coincidence.

  19. and dog spelled backwards is GOD!!!!!!

    WOW. Do you think it means something?

    i think that after you take a few courses in probability and statistics, you won't be so impressed by this.

  20. I think you have too much time on your hands.

    Isn't it a coincidence that McCain is a Cheating, Stealing, Law-Breaking Liar, and is the leading Republican?

  21. I think you should vote on a person solely based on their name and nothing more

  22. Thats crazy i never thought about it but its prolly a coincidence

  23. its the russians!!!! jk its a coincidence

  24. lol.  I like this one.

    It does make you think now doesn't

  25. omfggg, its like that whole 20 dollar bill thing, if you know what im talking about. and like another thing with fonts or whatever. annd like how 9/11 is like 911. sry, yeah i think its mad weird bc i though that too

  26. YES, it is a conspiracy - and you are starting to see the picture.

  27. I think people are really bored and Obama did it just to cause some fun in the election.

    I love it!

    Obama/Biden 08

  28. The conspiracy is that Obama and Biden will actually go after Bin Laden rather than give it lip service like McSame does.

  29. Mmm...that is interesting, but I think it's just coincidence.

  30. I would say coincidence but I have a bias view I don't believe in conspiracy theorys I think they are just BS.  

  31. You think too much.

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