
Is it a crime to access someone's email account without the owner's permission?

by Guest21338  |  earlier

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Is it a crime to access someone's email account without the owner's permission?




  1. A little more detail would be helpful here.  If you are talking about an e-mail account issued by your employer, then the Company "owns" the e-mail address and system and they can do what they want / need.  An employee should have no expectation of privacy when using a company owned computer, network, e-mail or chat system.  If you are talking about personal e-mail accessed on a company owned computer, the same applies as far as the use of the company equipment goes.

    Now, if you are talking about a personal e-mail account on a privately owned computer where you pay for the internet access, then you may have a gripe.

  2. Well considering the fact that important information such as bank statements account transactions things dealing with money that is private information is normally kept in email. I would have to say Yes, Def

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