
Is it a crime to spit on soldiers?

by Guest58425  |  earlier

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One of my friends told me that if you spit on a solider you get fined? is that true?

IF there is no law.....they should make one.




  1. Wot.


  2. yes, spitting on ANYONE is assault and you can be prosecuted for it.  

    spitting on soldiers is about the lamest thing i can think of anyone doing.

  3. if I ever saw that, I would go nuts...

    yes, I agree, there should be a law...

  4. Yes, in most states of the U.S. it would be considered assault, which is a crime. You might be lucky to get only a fine. . . . . . That is if you survive.

    I was spat on in the Atlanta airport by a peace protester back in the early '70's. There were a couple of M.P.s and Cops standing around, so I let the guy live. People have a little more respect for the military these days, and if you spit on some of these tired old veterans, the cops just might turn their back while he or she turns you into a greasy spot.

    I'm an old man, now, so I don't have much to lose by spending a few years in jail. If I saw someone do something like that, I would process them myself and save the soldier the the hassle of washing their blood out of his uniform.

  5. You will get fined if you spit on anyone...

    Spittng on a soldier will probably get your *** beat down to a pulp.

  6. I think it is assault to spit on anyone.  Spit on this soldier and you'll need a cop to pull me off of you.  

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