
Is it a curse??

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Is being very beautiful a curse when it comes to female friendships and jealousy in relationships with men??




  1. no,just be thankful for being beautiful...if someone has a problem with it,then thats all there is a problem and its theirs,..that is not a friend if they are jealous...find a good friend....

  2. I agree with Steph, if you are too beautiful people immediately judge you, and harshly, for it. Women see you as a threat and many men treat you differently then they would other girls. I think the worst part would probably be that everyone would assume something about you and people would definitely be afraid to talk to you, or on the other hand there would be times when you couldn't get left alone.  

    I don't know if I would go as far as to say it is a curse....a person in this situation would be a lot better off then a lot of other people and have a lot more opportunities in life, but at times it would definitely just be easier to be averagely pretty.

  3. sadly, I'll never know

  4. some times yes

  5. Try being bone ugly with some frankenstein make-up, then get back to us. Modesty is thinly veiled by your predictable question, grow-up!

  6. No.It's a blessing...And a jealous friend is not really friend.

  7. Yes, so Ive heard. It can work against you.

    Some women instantly find you as a threat or claim you are a bad kind of girl, to ruin your reputation.

    Isn't it a shame how society stereotypes?

    Edit: regarding men, they either stay away from you, or hold on to you with dear life. There is no medium.

  8. "Curse" isn't the word to use. And I would also switch your sentence around to say "being very beautiful brings jealously when it comes to female friendships and a curse in male relationships."

    Of course, all women want to be beautiful. When a very attractive woman comes in, those women will automatically be jealous of what you have and they don't. Therefore they will probably reject you.

    Looks can also be decieving when it comes to relationships with men. The beautiful woman may just want to feel loved because of her personality, but the man falls in love with her looks.

    I'd probably say being beautiful has its perks, but it is also a blessing.

    "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."--Dr. Seuss
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