
Is it a difference when ur man spells it "luv" and not love?

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When we write to each other..He says luv and i say love..U know when we say "i love you" U dont think there is a difference right?!




  1. the word mean different things i love you has more meaning and luv u say to anyone and every one there no real meaning be hide it.

  2. OMG i said the SAME thing

    Luv is like homey love or just w/e to them

    I think if you really mean it, you would spell the REAL word with the REAL meaning aunt spells it like 'luv' and the only reason i dont say nun is b/c she sees everybody texting their words all short and wants to do it too lol...i know she LOVES me, but she spells it love...and no my aunt's not old...she's like a big sis (only 31)


    But im saying if my bf spelled it luv, it would take away the meaning to im happy he spells it love = ]]

  3. haha noo!

    theres no difference :D

  4. Well maybe you should ask him.

    And get the truth before you believe what everyone else says on here :)

  5. I would personally prefer "love" over "luv" because it seems more sincere. But it depends on the person whether it really is different or not.

  6. No, he loves you, don't be so paranoid...

    No worries....

  7. his just 2 lazy to write it out don't worry it's nothing

  8. I don't think there is a difference but I'd personally prefer love. Just ask the dude. :) In any matter he luvs you!  

  9. well to me there is no difference.

    maybe he is just to lazy to spell out "love"

    and either way if he says it, it will still sound like love :]

    help me please:

  10. i think there is a difference

    i watch shows and there is a difference

    he prolly thinks there is a difference too

  11. I'd say there is a slight difference. If you really mean it you'd say love but who knows maybe he's just abbreviating..

  12. theres def. a diff! my friend says to her bf "luv" and he tells her "love" she said she wont say "love" to him because she doesnt love him as a bf, only likes him as a bf. but she loves him as a friend

  13. There is a big difference.  LUV means the love you have for friends. LOVE means the love you have for a significant other.  I am a g*y guy and when text message my female friends i always text " me luvs you" NEVER "I love you" because then it would feel odd.  If i had a significant other, i would feel odd doing the opposite,  However, this is only how I see it, for him maybe  he is simply tring to save as much text space as possible, kind of like when you text   (4) instead of (for)  

    So I really would not worry to much about it,  The most important thing is how he treats you, if he is there for you when you need him etc.

  14. i spell you Y O U, you spell it U...

    does it make a difference? means the same thing, less typing

  15. it either means hes rushing or lazy. or it could mean its more of a puppy love, and he might be afraid to really commit and say he loves you, but he prolly really likes you (:

  16. idk.but my boyfriend always spells it 'love' guys really spell it Luv? i thought that was a girl thing to ways..yeah i think theres a difference...

  17. there is no difference except that its spelled differently he just was lazy to type out the whole word or something.

    Help Me Please Everybody:;...

  18. no difference i know of.

  19. I don't think there's a difference really if he was typing fast...but I don't like it when guys do that, lol. It makes me wonder the same thing. But then I think it's silly to think that there's a difference. xD

  20. No.

    I kinda wondered the same thing when my boyfriend did that.

    But he told me it was just the same thing.

    So I wouldnt worry bout it.


  21. i wouldn't take it personally.. thats probably how he likes 2 write it or hes lazy..

  22. luv isnt sincere and it is used as a "joking term"

  23. Just means he's too lazy to type out the whole word.

  24. No there is no difference, hes either just not mature or hes lazy..thats all =]

  25. it all depends on your relationship and that person

  26. I don't know your guy, but when I email or IM male friends I say luv instead of love, meaning it in the way of friendship type of love and caring, but nothing romantic. Not sure if its the same for your guy or not, might need to ask him.

  27. I really don't think so, you should ask him y he does that, but really casually because then he will be like all mad if you say it coldly.  

  28. i really dont think there is a really big difference.

    Personally me and my boyfriend say love.

    I dont think love should be spelt anyway else.

  29. luv- said by kids usually

    love- matured people

    Anyway, it wouldn't matter because they mean the same thing, just spelled in a different way.

  30. It's just the same.

  31. suurr Iye downt sea Y nott

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