
Is it a dream or is it a ghost/spirit/demon something??

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look at my other recent questions for more details. sometimes i dream that someone is standing over me and i wake up screaming or feeling really scared. i've heard that ghosts can talk to you in your sleep is this true? is someone trying to tell me something or is it just a bad dream. ever since i can remember i've always felt like someone was watching me. if i was in a room someone was standing in the hallway poking their head through the door and when i look up nothing is there. it could all be in my mind but another thing that is strange my husband had the same dream last night. i'm a little freaked out. i'm looking for some clarification please don't tell me to pray because i know about that. i'm looking for more then that. thanks a lot.




  1. yes

  2. There are spirits and demons, as well as angels and guardian angels..

    There are un-settled spirits: those who died horribly and are restless; there are those who don't know they've pasted.

    There are spirits already in your home or come into your home.

    There are demon/evil spirits (good/bad).

    I've had many encounters with spirits. I've had experiences that were not good. I have bad feelings when entering some places.. or may enter (of course I don't enter).

    It may be a spirit trying to tell or warn you of something.

    There are spirits that watch over you...

    Having spirits doesn't mean it's a bad thing. But I suggest NOT getting wrapped up into one. The situation may worsen.

    If you don't want it around - tell it so.

    I've got stories good and bad.... I also believe people draw spirits/demons into there life, home, being, etc.

  3. If you truly want to know what this is, you have a few choices.

    First you must describe and draw what has been seen. This seems futile, but is of extreme importance. This allows you to see either duplication of what is seen with the eyes or interpretation of what you saw/felt.

    There is a method that works if you do have an entity trying to contact you.

    You sit in a very dark room . Blackened windows.

    Sit in a chair facing into a mirror. Usually within one hour of gazing into the mirror, you will begin to hallucinate which breaks down the filters of consciousness and allows other reality beliefs to occur.

    You will see a face. You will feel a presence. You will be able to tell emotionally if it is reality or not. subjective and must be experienced to be believed.

    In the scientific world, Apparition experiences are part of Hallucination. It does not mean they are not reality, it is just in that group.Seeing an apparition can be caused by drugs, sickness, dopamine malfunction, etc, etc, long long list.

    Included by most prominent men is the fact that there may be a message from spirits or something unknown. Not all hallucination is faulty wiring. You must check off the things you know it is not and then you will have what it may be.

  4. Is it true that ghosts can talk to you in your sleep? Nobody knows. Nobody could possibly know. There is no way to show that a purported contact with a ghost during sleep is anything other than a normal, natural dream/nightmare.

    Since this dream has bothered you so much, it stands to reason that you are anxious and probably prone to suggestion. In other words, you're actively looking (whether you know it or not) for events which can be interpreted as ghost activity, e.g., tricks of light, feeling you're being watched, etc. The fact that your husband had the same dream isn't unexpected, since you probably told him all about your dream and he's probably concerned that you're upset about it.

    So how do you fix the problem? I won't tell you to pray. I'm going to tell you to do something far more powerful than that:  

         Disbelieve in "ghosts".

    That's it. Recognize that you've spooked yourself with a bad dream and anxious worrying but that's all it is. So far there is absolutely no good evidence that suggests that ghosts even exist! So take a deep breath, have a laugh with your husband about scaring yourself, and the "ghosts" will magically disappear. Guaranteed. "Ghost activity" comes to a dead stop (no pun intended) when nobody believes in them.

  5. I can't be 100% sure from your description, but I suspect that it isnt a ghost or a dream.

    Your description sounds to me like sleep paralysis.

    You get caught in a stage between conciousness and dreaming. Your motor skills are shut down so you cant move, except for your eyes. The vast majority of people who experience this report seeing some kind of figure standing over them or sitting on thier chest. These have been reported across many cultures and go back centuries. They are the cause of demonic rape, succubus, alien abductions, and various other images in other cultures.

    The majority of people feel these sleep paralysis episodes are quite terrifying. Although this isnt always the case.

    They can also involve intricate audio hallucinations (voices and talking), and tactile hallucinations (the feeling that your sheets are being pulled off)

    People with narcilepsy, sleep apnea, and various other sleeping disorders deal with them on a regular basis.

    They can also be caused by stress, or changed sleeping patterns.

    I suspect if both you and your husband are experiencing them, you could be going through a stressful time or changing shifts.

    If this isnt the case, I appologize for taking up your time.

  6. I'm afraid with the limited information provided it could be anything from a fabricated apparition to residual psychic energies. If you are inexperienced in these matters it is advisable to do further research into the subject, to know what to look for. For now I recommend guided meditation and extensive reading. If it is a spirit I doubt it is hostile, but having knowledge can make even a demon seem harmless.

  7. I had a dream years ago that I was lying in bed with my face toward the wall. In the dream, my roommate came in and woke me and said I had a visitor. I told my roommate (in the dream) to tell my visitor to come on in. Still dreaming, I felt my visitor sit down at the edge of my bed. THEN I WOKE UP.

    When I woke up, I was facing the wall, and at once I felt the edge of my bed "move up", like someone had been sitting there. I turned and there wasn't anyone there!

    I believe that I had been visited by a spirit at that time. And I believe that this is happening to you's nothing to be afraid of. It's probably a loved one whos passed, or your spirit guide.

  8. I have had some seriously nutty dreams before. There was an occasion where I was sleeping peacefully, and dreamed there was a sound like someone hurting my dog! I shot up in bed and looked around, as did my husband...or so I thought. I told whatever it was to go away, it was not wanted here. I lay down in bed and heard the sound of it in my son's bedroom and noticed him fussing in his sleep. It was so strange! I think I asked Archangel Michael to take it away and we weren't bothered again.

    But when I asked my husband about the sound, he had no idea what I was talking about. That was one vivid dream. This was after I saw the movie "the Skeleton Key"...not overly scary but for some reason, I felt like something was attached to it. Now, when I watch scary movies I always just ask for protection from God and my guides against anything that might bother me afterward. Since then, no problems...have you seen any scary movies lately?

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