
Is it a fancy dress.. or a private.?

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party for bunches and krissy..i will go as a gooseberry.. lol..

what will you be going as..




  1. Hi poppyday, yesterday I challenged Bunches to find 10 questions I had posted in obscure sites in yahoo,

    today he challenged me, only his was a lot harder,

    David he was not being rude regarding the Irish, because I am half Irish and live there, so it was a comment toward me (I think).

    Sorry about any confusion, if you check out our profiles you will see what we were on about.

  2. I've just spent ages looking for the question, I don't know what you mean?

    but if there's a party can I go as a pirate?

    Hiya poppyday. I just found it but had to go to news and events. I was looking at other news and events. Has brian got 2 accounts? cos he's not changed his bunches one, has he? unless I missed something last night?

    Hiya Bunches, of course I know that, I didn't know you had 2 accounts. It could've been anyone with all the trolls about. Glad it's you anyway. Can I still be a pirate?

    well you two below; stop leaving me out! I want a game. But I have to nip out tonight. I'll find you later!

  3. Hi Poppyday

    Krissy and I are just having a little game of hide and seek

    Kerry - Brian is my real name, that account is just for fun. Don't use it often

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