
Is it a favor to the feminist cause to do away with marriages in the society?

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Is it a favor to the feminist cause to do away with marriages in the society?




  1. I think so, it also has to do w/ economics.

  2. I think doing away with marriage would be a favour for a LOT of people (i.e. divorcées being left in the lurch, single people and cohabiting couples dealing with tax discrimination, g*y people in most states, etc.). But it won't happen.

  3. A favour to people who don't want to be married, yet still want to be seen as normal and have equal legal rights to property of their deceased partners or decision making processes when their partner is critically ill.

  4. Marriage does not benefit women more than men. Prior to this century, marriage meant that they lost all of their belongings, identity, and name and came under the control of their husband.

    Marriage isn't anti-feminist. A lack of equality in marriage is. And for those who say "Marriage benefits women", the assumption is that women stay home while the husband works outside of the home. This is seen as laziness on the part of the woman, and stress on the part of the man.

    Feminists are for equality, not allowing men to take care of us because we're women/being told as wives that we have it easy.

  5. Yes

  6. Not really.. since marriage benefits women more than men.

  7. No - that's just silly. Marriage in modern times is a partnership - both the man and the woman reap the benefits. It doesn't have anything to do with feminism.

  8. No.

    What's wrong with marriage.

  9. I thought all feminists were g*y.  Aren't lesbians trying to pass legislation to get married.  You need to make up your mind who you are fighting.

  10. It isn't a "favor" to have the RIGHT to chose to marry or not, to have other options and opportunities than either prostitution or showing up at the alter with a dust pan and broom in hand for a life as a domestic and breed stock alone.  Covenants of true love will always occur.  But, as for the "dog license", that's simply a woman's choice these days as an individual.  Isn't that much nicer now, thanks to feminism?

  11. No. Marriage is a benefit to them. It would be a huge favor to men though. If we do away with marriage then divorce goes with it. Right along with alimony.

  12. Feminists weren't about doing away with marriage, but with the following:

    1) The expectation that women must marry or be shunned by society.  There's something wrong with the whole bachelor/spinster dichotomy where single men are valued and single women are not.

    2) That women who do choose to marry form equal partnerships with their husbands.  They would not cede their entire identity and any possessions to their husband.  Feminists fought--and in some senses are still fighting--the notion that women were property to be passed from father to husband.

    Studies have shown that marriage benefits men--married men are healthier and happier and live longer--and is a detriment to women.  It's because women "take care" of their husbands' needs but have no one to really ensure their needs are taken care of.  We're a long way from changing that, but it doesn't mean feminists want to do away with marriages.  They just want to do away with some of the worse aspects of it.

  13. Marriage in history didn't really benefit the woman, because to put it simply it basically said that the woman was the property of the man. Times have changed. I personally see marriage as a pact that says that he is mine and I am his. That we stand together.

    No longer is it I am his, and that's it.

  14. Why would I care if other people want to get married?

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