
Is it a felony to fake a drive-by shooting with cap guns?

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I always thought this would be a really funny prank to pull, e.g. "open fire" on a bus stop full of people and watch them scramble for cover, etc., and although it seems harmless enough, I'm not sure what the legal implications would be.




  1. Battery involves actually hitting someone.  Assault is taking an action that puts one in reasonable apprehension of imminent bodily harm.  That is, your crime is an assault.  There are also statutes on the books in most states that would allow for assault with a deadly weapon simply because you threatened to use it in a deadly fashion.  Finally, under federal law, it would be seen as a terrorist threat.  Hope that is enough legal implications to help you decide.  

  2.   Sorry bud but illegal and stupid.  Think if one of them is a under cover cop or a gang memeber and return fire and shoots you and your buddies.  That is why stupid people die young.

  3. Maybe, but if there is a cop nearby that you don't see, it should be even funnier when he peppers your head with lead. Also, even if there is no cop, what if you just happen to pick a place with a few CCW holders.

  4. GROW UP...go ahead and try it, and they will be calling you "sweetie pie" in prison

  5. you'll be in big trouble

  6. If not, it should be

  7. pretty sure it is

    same as a fake death threat can still get in serious trouble

  8. You are in big trouble. You could get jail time for that and also required to pay restitution for wasting everyones time and resources.

  9. Yes it is and you could also get shot yourself.

  10. That is highly illegal. You would be looking at a few years in the clink.

  11. yes...its considered a "terrorist" act....and its not it to me and I will return fire....

  12. I think that could be very serious...It's called Terrorism!  For instance, someone could hold a gun to your head, but not shoot you, that would be a crime wouldn't it?  They were trying you terrorize you!

  13. It's retarded yo.  Why would you wanna scare innocent people.  You need a swift kick in the head.

  14. Hopefully, when you have matured more, you will gain the ability to see things in a different light, from someone else's perspective.  Maybe then you can visualize the fear that you would feel if you were on that bus, perhaps with your wife or child, and someone pulled that stunt. Right now, you are just a silly child asking a question for which you can't comprehend the consequences.

  15. Go ahead, try that in my town and see what happens.

    My predictions?

    You'll worry less about legal implications than medical implications after you get shot by an armed citizen or law enforcement (they don't tend to carry cap guns).

    You probably won't think it's so "funny" or "harmless" in the ER, if you survive.

    Not sure that it's a felony, but I don't think they press charges on the dead anyway.

  16. If the people you "shot" at believed the weapons were real, absolutely it is.  It is just like if you rob a bank pretending you have a gun in your pocket (but you don't), you are charged with armed criminal action just like you really had the gun.  If you are using your rouse to make people believe they are being fired upon, you will be charged with felony crimes, such as Unlawful use of a weapon (the wording will be different for different jurisdictions), unlawful discharge of a weapon, assault (the FEAR that you caused at the very least), etc.  So YES, it is a felony

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