
Is it a felony to remove an airbag from an automobile?

by  |  earlier

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I'm pretty certain it is, but I need solid proof to back it up. I've been looking for a while and couldn't find anything.




  1. I dont know, but they are dangerous for certain frail and skinny people that have to sit too far forward. Some people have been killed by airbags and most cars have a disable feature and can just be deactivated if you think its wise. You cant depend on general government rules to protect you and yours.

  2. I found this concerning airbags, hope it helps.

    If the only thing you plan to do that will take the vehicle out of compliance with any FMVSS is to deactivate the air bag, then the vehicle owner must write a letter to NHTSA's Chief Counsel requesting permission to do so, according to the instructions found on our web site at

  3. ok, i thought it was illegal too.  i have a friend who is "handicapped" and she has to sit very close to the wheel when she drives.  this is bad news since, if the bag goes off, she will be too close to it and it could prove lethal.  no dealer or mechanic will disable it saying that it's against the law to do so.  it's a dumb *** rule that's got to be dumped.  i hate airbags.

  4. I think if you go to sell a car that you know the airbag has been removed from - the law says you gotta tell the buyer. Other than that I think it is legal to remove them.

  5. no it is not a felony.  You can remove airbags from any vehicle and be ok.  Its just up to you if you wanna roll without a airbag

  6. My Dakota has akey switch, with a light, and I can turn the passanger airbag on and off...........factory!

  7. In the U.S., it is illegal to remove or disable the front airbags (drivers or passengers) in a car of any model year for which they were required.  The only exceptions involve medical conditions that make it unsafe to sit behind an airbag.  Additionally, the states in the U.S. prohibit operating a vehicle from which any federally required safety equipment (including airbags, seatbelts, headlights, etc.) has been removed.

    I do not know if it is a felony.  It might be a different type of illegal act.

  8. It probably is, if it's not your car... Grand Theft!

    If it's your own car, then no. Not a felony, but criminally STUPID!  What possible reason would you have for removing a safety device that has been PROVED to save lives and prevent serious injury?

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